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Netjets BBJs - Are their days numbered?

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bizjet737 said:
the "X" was a lot of fun - a little hot rod. however, now, it's become the workhorse of the fleet and you'll work your but off every single day.
The X has been a real kick in the pants! It absolutely DOMINATES most airplanes we fly up against 24/7. Comair CRJ loaded for ATL, they take off right in from of us and start a slow climbing turn, we take off right behind and pass over the top of them by 2,500 ft and go to departure freq... Dominated. AA 757 in cruise as we take off... 20 minutes later as we are climbing at their cruise speed, level off and accelerate after climbing above them... Dominated. It's fun. Almost like a Ferrari with wings. Guess that's what happens when you take the engines off of an ERJ and put them on an aircraft that weights just over half as much as the other.
Is the BBJ that's been sitting at LGA next to the Trump 727 from NetJets?

Is there any hiring straight into the BBJ? Just curious.

Citation X sounds like a blast to fly. Now, if you guys could only get paid what you're worth - then it would be a fantastic job... Thanks for the great Citation X commentary.
I don't fly the X here at NJA and actually have no desire (at 6'4" I don't consider 5 hour trans-cons fun!) but heard something funny in SAT one day.

[A NJA X was in the block for 12R and American was taxing for takeoff]

AA 123: "Can American 123 cut in front of this little guy up here?"
Tower: "Sure, if you can climb to FL370 at .85 mach."
AA123: "Guess not"

Now I have no idea if the X can do that or not but it was funny nevertheless.
it sure can do that. i used to do 340 to .84 in the climb. even did fl510 once to say i'd been there - did it at a cruise climb of .83 (took about 500nm to do it) and accelerated to .85 once level.

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