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Netjets Application Die In January --?

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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2002
Netjets Application Due In January --?


I have an application that was sent to me via NJA and was told to send it in at the end of Jan 03. What can I expect out of this -- how long does it normally take to get a call for the interview. The application is going directly to the director of crew resources. Any ideas and help will be greatly appreciated...

my background:

ATP, Sea Plane, CFI,CFII,MEI (gold seal), CE650 type, 3000 TT -- 700 multi

Thanks for the replies in advance --
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From hotwing:

I have an application that was sent to me via NJA and was told to send it in at the end of Jan 03. What can I expect out of this

First, send it in. Regardless of who its going to, send it in. The only thing having someone in a high place walk it in for you can do is to speed up an already very lengthy process. Expect it to take a year or so and anything less is a bonus. I've heard of some folks getting called within a few months but don't expect it. My guess is 9 months give or take 40 days.

Second, as for what to expect. The only thing I can describe it as... is as a life changing event. I am a mere NJA rookie but I can tell you, coming from a pure corporate background, I am now living a wet dream. I have never been so happy in my career.

They have a bunch of resumes to work through and they'll be hiring about 350 a year for the next several years. Do NOT give up, do not stop trying, and always keep the faith. It will be rewarded the day Linda calls you. :cool:

From my date of hire to when I put in an app, was a year. I had no outside help. While attending a mandatory pep talk from mgmt. 2 months ago, our group was told the company was planning on hiring 450 next year and the following year. thats about 37 a month. Apparently, there is a bottleneck is training slots as they would like to hire more. However, with the business clim the way it is, I think thats a lot.

Hang in there..................
New Apps come with deadline for completi

I received an app. at the DC job fair with an expiration date of Nov. 20th. It had to be filled out and post marked by that date. I just received a confirmation letter last week stating that it was complete and acceptable, etc.

If you have had the app for a while, it may not be valid. The NetJets reps. stated they had received apps that had been held and passed on to friends and were trying to discourage that practice. They also stated that they were thinking of registering the app or assinging a number to the app and keep a record of who they gave it to.

Good Luck,


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