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Netjet contract

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First things first. There is an MEC election to be held before any new negotiations with the company. There are a lot of issues from what I hear from my more senior co-workers, not just the much-talked-about pay topic.
Thanks for the reply Guitar Guy. Most pilots I speak to on the road indicate that either the company or the pilot group need to get somthing done before Feb. 91k? There is very little "talk" about the MEC, the union, or the contract compared to the vote down. Even the guys on the road seem to know next to nothing about what's next, or are they just keeping mum so that the same crap does not get started all over again?
From what I've been told, the MEC election is now the pressing issue. The company has said that they are ready to re-enter negotiations when the union is ready. As for FAR Part 91, Subpart K being a driving issue to get a contract done, I've not heard that. Most of the scuttlebutt that I've heard seems to indicate that most pilots think a new TA will not ready until well after Feb '05. We shall see.
Mec ballots will be counted Dec 22nd or 23rd. Still need a survey done. First mediation dates are set in Feb. So forget about having it done by Feb....or April for that matter.

Here is a review:

Aug we reached a TA and our MEC, Local and International all supported it. Our MEC went around the country for 6 weeks hard selling this thing. Got voted down by 82%.

Meanwhile our MEC's term was up end of Oct so we had a MEC election going on at the same time. It was illegal for a couple paperwork issues, national stepped in, new MEC election is going on now....ballots will be counted Dec 22nd or 23rd.

"Strong Union" a slate running for MEC positions started a petition drive to leave the local. They received approx 1300 (out of 1850 pilots) petitons and counting. This gives us more power with the national, the local hasn't been representing our interests (see 82% above). We pay almost 2 mill in dues, we want our OWN local. NOT move to local 747, the near defunct airline division.

Based on the petitions received and the 82% NO vote, the assumption is that Strong Union will be voted in. With it, a new local in the spring, a new legal team and a new and separtate negotiating commitee. They have already leased office space, lawyers (all from dontations) and most interesting billboards in CMH near HQ. Rumors of a owners info website, banner towing aircraft at NJA sponsored events and picketing are some of the more interesting notes.

Next big date is Dec 22nd for the count and then Feb when Subpart K kicks in and we are still under our old contract which may present some problems for the company....and of course the first round of mediation since the NO vote.
I heard the company offered a "big" raise after the contract was turned down and it was turned down also. Any truth to this?
I didn't think that there was any truth to it. Just wanted to check. The source I got it from knows someone that works at NJI. So they think they know all about NJA.
NutJets reportedly offered a 30% raise at the very beginning of negotiations over 3 years ago. The rejected TA did not have nearly that amount as a raise although Dave Vermuelen and his merry scumbags tried vigorously to get the pilot group to believe that we received more than that.

What scumbag Vermuelen didnt realize is that pilots actually have a brain.

NJA is in for a rude awakening once SU is voted in. In the past, all the MEC's have not been willing to fight the fight. They have been quoted as saying "we don't want to make the company mad". As for SU, their intent is not to make the company mad or put the company out of business as the current LOSER MEC has claimed but rather fight for what this tremendously talented group of pilots has earned.

Anyhow, the weeks from December 22 to February 15 will be extrememly interesting. The beginning of 91K could potentialy cause great problems for NJA provided the current MEC has not ILLEGALY signed away relief to the company which would not be out of character for them.

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