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Need some advice guys/girls

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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Hey ladies and gentlemen I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need some advice from some of you experienced and mature folks here. Here's my situation I currently fly for a decent 135 company(been here for 14 months, I am a co-pilot in a citation bravo, pay is good and benefits are ok. I am married with a young kid and QOL, well what can I say? it's 135. I have an opportunity to be a captain at a start up airline flying turboprops, pay would be lower than what I am making now. I believe it's going to be around $32 to $34/hr, no bennies to start "they'll have them within a couple of months", I would be number 2 or 3 on the pilot seniority list, the airline will be based "home", and they appear to have a deep "money pocket", good investors and good structure.

I know the obvious, I would take a pay cut, lose benefits for a few months, but would have a fixed schedule (better QOL), high seniority and of course PIC 121 TURBINE TIME! Which this is why am asking for ya'lls help.
At some point i want to fly for a Major and make a career with one. But I dont know if I should jump ship, take the pay cut and risk everything for PIC 121 TURBINE time. Or Should I just stay put with my current company and hope that someday (atleast 3 year) I might upgrade and build Turbine PIC at a slow rate.
What would ya'll recommend? Has anyone gone through this? If so what did you do?! I really need to figure out if going for that 121 PIC turbine will really help and advance my career quicker, or if it would be the same if I just stay here a wait. I really dont know.

Sorry for posting here too, but the more people can help the better
What do you want? Figure out what matters most first, then priortize it. When your values are clear, your decisions are easy.

PS: Remember that the "They'll be here in a few months" line is total BS.

What kind of turboprops? I was given the chance to jump ship once and fly a Challenger 604. I declined since I just started with my current company flying lears. I upgraded to captain 2 years sooner than I thought, but Ive still been kicking myself in the ass for the past 2 years for not taking it. Last week the challenger was sold, and I would have been out of a job if I took it. It all depends on your gut feeling. Every situation is unique and personal.
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PIC Turbine.

It took my 31 years to go from 1st flight lesson to 1000 PIC turbine. WAYYYYY too long.

What start up, if you don't mind my asking?

Home based... good qol... top seniority... I'd take it to be home more and off the beeper. Money sounds OK and if you're that high on the list it will get better, meaning perhaps check airman, instructor, ioe captain, maybe even management.

SWA was a small start up at one point as well. Too bad I can't be #1 on their list.
What kind of turboprops? I was given the chance to jump ship once and fly a Challenger 604. I declined since I just started with my current company flying lears. I upgraded to captain 2 years sooner than I thought, but Ive still been kicking myself in the ass for the past 2 years for not taking it. Last week the challenger was sold, and I would have been out of a job if I took it. It all depends on your gut feeling. Every situation is unique and personal.

They are going to be Jetstreams and they are already talking about other type of equipment.
What start up, if you don't mind my asking?

Home based... good qol... top seniority... I'd take it to be home more and off the beeper. Money sounds OK and if you're that high on the list it will get better, meaning perhaps check airman, instructor, ioe captain, maybe even management.

SWA was a small start up at one point as well. Too bad I can't be #1 on their list.

PM me and I'll give you all the details.
Big Gamble

Hey ladies and gentlemen I'm in a bit of a pickle. I need some advice from some of you experienced and mature folks here. Here's my situation I currently fly for a decent 135 company(been here for 14 months, I am a co-pilot in a citation bravo, pay is good and benefits are ok. I am married with a young kid and QOL, well what can I say? it's 135. I have an opportunity to be a captain at a start up airline flying turboprops, pay would be lower than what I am making now. I believe it's going to be around $32 to $34/hr, no bennies to start "they'll have them within a couple of months", I would be number 2 or 3 on the pilot seniority list, the airline will be based "home", and they appear to have a deep "money pocket", good investors and good structure.

I know the obvious, I would take a pay cut, lose benefits for a few months, but would have a fixed schedule (better QOL), high seniority and of course PIC 121 TURBINE TIME! Which this is why am asking for ya'lls help.
At some point i want to fly for a Major and make a career with one. But I dont know if I should jump ship, take the pay cut and risk everything for PIC 121 TURBINE time. Or Should I just stay put with my current company and hope that someday (atleast 3 year) I might upgrade and build Turbine PIC at a slow rate.
What would ya'll recommend? Has anyone gone through this? If so what did you do?! I really need to figure out if going for that 121 PIC turbine will really help and advance my career quicker, or if it would be the same if I just stay here a wait. I really dont know.

Sorry for posting here too, but the more people can help the better

Most Start-Up 121 Ops simply do not make it in the long run.Failure rate is 90% plus!!!
Most of the growth in aviation is frac.,PT 91,PT 135.Are you sure you want to make the jump??Could be a very big GAMBLE!!!!
If you do take the leap, you should have a backup plan just in case the airline goes t!ts up. G is correct, more than 90% of start-ups fail within the first 2 years of operation. Some fail later (remember Indy Air?). Job security is important to most, and health insurance is critical when you have youn-uns to support.

If you are a gambling type, go for it and roll the dice. Otherwise stay put and get your PIC time where you are at. But if you do go, make certain you do not burn your bridges at your current job. You may be coming back to them with your hat in hand in the future...
Too much of a gamble. Been there done that. Seniority only means something if its a good company and they actually follow the seniority list. I mean you want seniority 1 or 2, but give me sen number 10,000 at FEDEX right?

All the promises are likely not to happen. Time frame will be 10 times longer. A startup. Wholly nightmare. Do you have any clue what your getting into. If it sounds too good to be true than it really is.

If they are so well funded, then why very old turboprops without even FA service. Why such low pay to start with? Why no benefits? Can you image the type of hotels, per diem, and other cost they are shorting you on. I mean is there pay in training? Do they share hotels? Do you have to sign a contract? Thats just everything you can see from the surface. Look with your eyes open and try to talk yourself out of it. If you can't then its a good job.

Its like meeting a chick on line. It sounds too good till you meet her?

Go with a sure thing! There are no shortcuts in this industry!

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