Since I am currently living in and grew up in a C-9 Reserve city, I was wondering where pilots come from for these A/C. Since it is the NAVY and a small fleet, I assume former NAVY active duty guys. Just curious, thanks!
I've been in one of the squadrons for 6 months now and your assumption is pretty much correct. We have about 50 pilots with 14 of them being TARs (Training and Adminstration Reserves). Basically they are still active duty guys but work in a reserve squadron. The other 35 are more traditional SelRes (selective reserve, i.e. 4-6 days a month plus your 2-3 weeks active a year). The selres are all ex-active duty navy with two exceptions, we have one old marine and one old army guy. As far as platforms, guys come from everything. Fighter, P-3, E-2/C-2, helos, C-12, T-34s, etc. I think most of the old helo guys have some amount of fixed wing from flying C-12s or T-34s on their second tour, but am not completely certain.
But, if you were thinking about getting into a C-9/C-40 squadron off the street like it seems that some ANG or AF reserve do, I don't think the navy reserves do that. Having said that, I'm no expert and only know what I've seen in my admittedly short 6 months of USNR time.
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