I presently have Sprint, by far the worst most incompitant mental midgets I have ever dealt with! They SUCK! I am getting Cingular or Verizon, anything but Sprint! All it is is dropped calls and hideous customer service.
I had ATT one rate back when I used to make money. But when I was CFI'ing, I dropped ATT for Sprint. I held my nose while the service sucked. I get dropped calls all the time here in Orlando. I live in a major suburban area and have VIRTUALLY NO SIGNAL!! Every time I see that guy on TV, I want to dust off the Glock! People say they hear me fine, but is sure hisses and pops on my end.
If I had the money, I'd go back to ATT, but I think I'll try Verizon. A Comair buddy of mine says he's quite pleased with the service.
I mean, how low is Sprint when they charge you peak time on the blessed 4th of July!!! Ouch is that bill going to hurt, but it sure was the catalyst for me to switch!!
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