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ERAU Pilot

Apr 23, 2002
Here's the deal... I currently fly a small corporate jet at a management company I really like. I fly mostly owner trips, but we also do some charter. I am currently an FO, but my captain will be leaving in the next year and like any FO I want to move to the left seat. I have 2300TT and as far as everyone is concerned I am qualified to be a captain. My only problem is that I don't have enough TT to qualify for some of the charter brokers. ie Argus ect. I love this job and am not looking to go anywhere I just want to be a captain on this jet and fly some of the bigger aircraft that we manage. Thank for any suggestions!
Why not flight instruct for a few months? Or maybe you have some contacts that would allow you to do some contract work on the side.
I would recommend that you solve this problem mathematically:

You need 700 hours.

You fly about 250 hours per year.

Your captain leaves in the next year (Lets say 6 months.

Your job will give you 125 hours in that time, you need a net of 575 hours in the next 180 days...

So, if you fly an extra 3.2 hours per day for the next 180 days, no problem. Or you could just call ARGUS and Wyvern and ask them to change their policy for you.

On a more serious note, I would find a way to gain as much experience as possible in the next 700 hours of flying and maybe look for opportunities to fly more. There have been many low time pilots (I am among them) that have not been upgraded due to TT requirements of Argus and Wyvern. These organizations infrequently make exceptions based on a number of factors, but my understanding is they are rare. I had one waived once for having over 500 hours time in type.

Good luck with it. Hopefully something will work out in your favor. I would at the very least ask your employer to type you in the airplane.
ERAU Pilot said:
Here's the deal... I currently fly a small corporate jet at a management company I really like. I fly mostly owner trips, but we also do some charter. I am currently an FO, but my captain will be leaving in the next year and like any FO I want to move to the left seat. I have 2300TT and as far as everyone is concerned I am qualified to be a captain. My only problem is that I don't have enough TT to qualify for some of the charter brokers. ie Argus ect. I love this job and am not looking to go anywhere I just want to be a captain on this jet and fly some of the bigger aircraft that we manage. Thank for any suggestions!
You have your whole career to be a Captain... If you are at a good job that you enjoy, are being paid decently and have a decent QoL, just be patient, you have 90% of the game solved... You'll upgrade soon enough...
I agree with Falcon Captain. You Won't get the left seat charter job until you get the hours so don't worry about it. Your time will come. I was over 4000 hrs before I flew my first jet and felt I won the lottery when I did. Good luck. Doug
Talk to your boss, tell him/her your situation, that you want to get some more TT, and ask him/her if you can CFI or something on the side to build some extra time. Sounds like you've got a good thing going, and if you really do, then the higher ups will at least be willing to listen to you and help with your situation.

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