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Multi-engine Turboprop

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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Does anybody know of any companys that hire SIC's with low time for twin-turboprop flying? I'm not interested in any pay for training stuff like gulfstream offers in the 1900 or ameriflight and there metros.
Networking at local FBOs is usually the best way to get into the right seat of a King Air. And when you do get that first opportunity, show up early ... move like you stole something ... get the coffee pots and coolers filled ... grab a vacumn and knock the edge off the dirt ... have the weather waiting on the Captain when he gets there ... get the POH and preflight ... be respectful, professional, and quietly friendly to everyone you meet. Other folks in a position to help you WILL notice, and doors will open up. And don't forget the final approach checklist. Trying to roll out on your first landing in something bigger than a Skyhawk with the yaw damper still on can be a pants-soiling experience. :D

If it can happen for my stupid azz, it can happen for anyone willing to hustle a bit.
CJ Systems out of AGC has a few air ambulance King Airs, AGC, CPR and RAP bases, they do hire low time right seaters, but it's hard to build time, 100-150 hour years.
Great post Snakum!! Follow these directions and you will be invited back and quite possibly paid!

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Just don't forget that yaw damper, though, whatever you fly. You don't want the Captain whacking your noggin with the lapboard while yelling "Well whatcha gonno do now, Colonel Yeager!?" as the King Air is screaming toward the grass and you're stomping h#ll out of the rudder and it ain't moving an inch and you're about to pee yourself because just last week you were flying C172s and you've never been moving this fast in an aircraft before. :eek:

Not that I've ever done that.

I'm just say'n ... :erm:

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