The twin engine that are FBO has requires 25 hours of dual instruction. I was just wondering what other FBOs require for on light twins? We train in a comanche (twin killer).
For the Duchesses here - 300 total with an instrument rating, 50 in type and 10 hours of dual, or instead of 50 in type, 25 hours of dual. The Beech 58 - 1000 total, 250 multi, and 25 in type.
Every insurance company is different. I know that in some flight schools for a geronimo you need 25 hours in type in model before you can teach in it or rent it.
Another flight school that flies barrons, the insurance wants you to have 500 TT, 100 multi, and 10 hours in type and model to teach or rent.
THere is another flight school that also asks for 25 hours in type and model for the seneca 1.
It really depends on the insurance that the FBO / flight school has.
The place i rent from has a Duchess, and they require 250TT, Commercial and Instrument rating, and 25 multi. No make and model requirement. One of the neat things is the fact that since we have a Dir. of Ops, and such, our insurance company allows our FLight School manager to waive any of the HOURLY requirements. I got my Multi-Commercial yesterday, and i have like 11.5 multi, and i am allowed to fly it. We used to have a Be-58 that required 500TT, 150 Multi, 15 Make and Model, as well as a 340 with the same requirements.
femflyr is right on - and even the same insurance company can require different requirements for different FBO's. We had an accident last year that really made the insurance company crack down. It was a case of a VFR pilot with his family losing control of an Archer during a cross country on a dark night. Now, anyone flying more than 50nm at night MUST be instrument rated, and we have to file an IFR flight plan for night cross countries - regardless of weather. We also now have to have a seperate night check out if we wish to fly a particular aircraft at night. We now need to be rechecked out in any model of airplane for which we lost our 90 day currency (for carrying passengers). If you've been flying Archers for a few months and decide to take a Warrior, and don't have your three landings in the Warrior - gotta do an hour with an instructor.
Pretty hard core these days. I used to love flying lots of different airplanes - but now it's gotten too expensive to keep currency in every model. So now I'm down to pretty much just two. Whaddya gonna do?
An old friend of mine called it the Twin Killer too. He ran a rental off the side of the runway and took out a couple of runway lights. He claims it's a squirrely plane and will bite you in the backside if you're not careful. Personally, I figure he probably wanted to blame the plane for his own lack of proficiency in it. It's like anything else - it probably doesn't coddle you like a Seminole or Duchess and people get in trouble because they don't know the plane.
"Twin Killer" its just a nickname that we throw around at the airport. I don't have much twin time but the comanche is probably the most difficult airplane to land that I've experienced so far. Our Chief Pilot/DE told me that back in the day the comanche had a reputation for accidents during multi-engine training. He told me that the FAA actually increased the Vmc speed on it because piper had initially set it to low. Other than the landings the comanche handles like a sports car. Anybody else have any time in the twin comanche?
The PA-30 is not a KILLER, it developed an undeserved reputation right after production was started due to the FAA regs. on VMC demonstrations and instructors who were acustomed to the Apache. The VMC was raised by 10 MPH to prevent the aircraft from actually reaching the loss of control during VMC demonstrations. There were also VMC and stall related accidents in 310's, Travel Airs, Barons, etc. and the FAA revised the regs. to promote safe operation. As far as landing the TC it is a combination of the laminar flow wing and short main gear struts that make it difficult to "grease" it on. Don't get upset about slightly firm landings as I doubt your instructor or DE can consistently "grease it either" Flown by the book and by the numbers the TC is no more a KILLER than any other aircraft.
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