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MU-2 Pay?

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If it's 135 on demand, about 40-45 would be appropriate.

Judging from your profile, get some training before you jump in it however. It's not for everyone and can be a handful. Reese Howell is very good for this type of training.
Judging from your profile, get some training by 328 dude
Type rated ATP on Jet and Turboprop (3000 hours) and you are telling this guy to get some training??? That's funny, do you have a clue what the average military jock gets in six years?
Say Again Over said:
Type rated ATP on Jet and Turboprop (3000 hours) and you are telling this guy to get some training??? That's funny, do you have a clue what the average military jock gets in six years?

Not sure what your deal is, but he didn't list that he flew an MU-2 and any type of training it that airplane is very helpful. It was just a suggestion. I'm not putting him down and that was not my intent.

You have some serious complex issues. Go troll somewhere else or atleast say something proffesional and add to a thread.
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I could have easily made the same remark to you (about experience and training), I see you have now updated your experience since your last post:rolleyes: , who has the complex? Appears like a personal attack on me will somehow make you look smarter, I think not, nor am I going to return the favor, have a nice day. :laugh:
3000 hours is plenty, with that guys type of time.

It's not a question of total time; it's a question of training and its quality.
Say Again Over said:
I could have easily made the same remark to you (about experience and training), I see you have now updated your experience since your last post:rolleyes: , who has the complex? Appears like a personal attack on me will somehow make you look smarter, I think not, nor am I going to return the favor, have a nice day. :laugh:

sayagain, i'm sure you know or have at least heard that the MU-2 takes no prisoners when the sh!t hits the fan. many a freightdog have taken that final flight attempting an approach with an emergency going on. to me it looked like 328 was just telling him to not just go fire that bird up and see what happens. to get some excellent training and fly smart and safe. a good pilot is always learning.
Thank's for the responces.

This company takes training very serious. They send the pilots to two Initial courses. One is Sim training and the other is airplane training with either reese howell or a guy that worked for him many years. They also fly the airplane 2 pilots.

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