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Million Air Dallas job

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Fly for me! Get my Bonus!
Oct 8, 2004
Hey Guys/Gals Million Air Dallas is looking for a Lear 40/45 crew. If anyone is interested, current and qualified send them a resume.
Hey Guys/Gals Million Air Dallas is looking for a Lear 40/45 crew. If anyone is interested, current and qualified send them a resume.

What kind of pay, QOL, bennies? Any info on the place would be nice. I've got a friend that was flying for a Corporate operator in a lear 40 in Texas. They're about to sell the airplane and he's gonna be looking for a job soon.
Worst company in the world to work for as a pilot. They treat their line guys better than their pilots !
Worst company in the world to work for as a pilot. They treat their line guys better than their pilots !

I have to agree to a certain extent. I've had a few friends that have worked there in their med jets, took care of the customers and took great care of the airplanes and owners. But like every typical 135 company you're an OK employee until you need the time off. Although Management does an OK job of running the place "clean" and not having you really break any regs, unless you got your head buried up some of the managements A$$ then they have an attitude towards the pilots. You'll get a bunch of empty promises about upgrade, and pay. I believe the CP left for a better job and I'm not sure who the DO is but I've heard he's the type that will screw with your rep once you leave. This is handed down info... One thing I do know, doesnt matter where you go 135 will always be the same!
I believe the CP left for a better job and I'm not sure who the DO is but I've heard he's the type that will screw with your rep once you leave. This is handed down info... One thing I do know, doesnt matter where you go 135 will always be the same!

Unfortunatly you are right about some of these things. When I left for what I thought was a better job I was aware that they were planning on giving me a bad recommendation. Eventhough the time I was there I did a good job, took care of the customers, never complained about the lack of QOL they still tried f***ing with me and I got attitude just about from everyone b/c I was leaving.
Oh yeah, if you decide to take a job there, forget about flightinfo. They read the gouges and will threaten with firing you if they find out that you are posting anything online. But if you really need a job, well take it make some money and move on.
If management is threatening pilots, is this something the Feds should be brought in on?

Well unfortunatly the FEDS only crack down on BS. Well I wouldn't call it BS but for example, airlines get huge fines every year b/c pilots fly with an open writte up or with out updated manuals but they dont go after the companies for abusing pilots rests and fatigue. In the 135 side of things they dont really fine the companies, but they give them lip over paper work, but they never crack down on the company having the pilot on call all day long and then calling them at 2am for a donor run. Or people working in the office from 9am to 5pm and then flying at 11pm!!!! But they call that a gray area and companies keep getting away with it. And the worst part is that some pilots volunteer to do this! to help out the company and fly! They are a 135 company's wet dream.
That was quick. I was in 40/45 school at Bombardier with a new hire for Million Air in March. I've never heard good things about them. They did talk to one of our 45 guys last year and about five minutes into the conversation he gave them the "thanks, but no thanks" line.
That was quick. I was in 40/45 school at Bombardier with a new hire for Million Air in March. I've never heard good things about them. They did talk to one of our 45 guys last year and about five minutes into the conversation he gave them the "thanks, but no thanks" line.

Well the funny thing is that I really dont think it was such a horrible 135 job. But it was typical in the sense of hardly anytime off. But the biggest thing is the arrogance of some of the management. Some of them walk by you and dont even give a "good morning, how are you?" or not even a "hey loser, what are you doing here?"
What kind of pay, QOL, bennies? Any info on the place would be nice. I've got a friend that was flying for a Corporate operator in a lear 40 in Texas. They're about to sell the airplane and he's gonna be looking for a job soon.

Captain Jaguar.... dude you gotta tell me where you got that avitar.

I'm serious please PM me....

I work for a 135 now they should have that avitar up as a poster on the CFOs office door...

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