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Mid November Interview (Delta)

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Well-known member
Jan 22, 2004
Has anyone that interviewed mid Nov. and received the "clear to train" email heard anything from Mr. Bolt Yet?
I'm with you man. Mid Nov. interview and still floating in the pool. Hopefully something before next week.
Its easier said than done but dont worry, you will get your call from Mr. Bolt as soon as he can call you. I can tell you for myself it took about 5 1/2 weeks before I heard anything. One thing is DO NOT call Mr. Bolt. No matter what anyone tells you, unless you want to start off on the wrong foot do not call him. He is an awesome guy but is a one man show. He is so busy he is in ten places at once. I can tell you that as of today, both Jan 2008 classes are full and he is working in the Feb 2008 classes.. Just hang in there and you will get your call..
It all depends on when your paperwork clears- med, pscyh, pria, background...

I do know if one guy that did get the call... there are alot of things that have to come together to get the cleared to train.

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