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Mid-Atlantic Airways Q?

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Active member
Aug 25, 2002
Now that PDT, ALG, and PSA has signed up for the J4J. Do you think that USAirways will still open up Mid-Atlantic?
Restructuring Agreement

The US Airways pilots restructuring agreement pretty much requires them to start MidAtlantic.

Continued growth of the "medium RJs" (50 seats) can occur for a while, but after a certain number of medium RJs are placed at other participating carriers the agreement requires a ratio of growth at participating carriers to growth at MidAtlantic.

Additionally, MidAtlantic is the only regional which will be permitted to operate the "large" RJs (>50 seats and 65,000 lbs). If Dave wants large RJs to be flown at the regional level, they will have to be flown at MidAtlantic.

In order to fly all 465 contractually permitted jets, MidAtlantic MUST become a reality.

Now Dave is also tying MidAtlantic to restructuring agreements with other employee groups: flight attendants, gate-agents, mechanics etc. He even mentioned it in the October issue of "Attache".

Dave has also "talked-up" MidAtlantic with local politicians to get then onboard. The politicians want the jobs and maintenance base to remain in Pittsburgh along with training facilities. It would be tough for him to go back on his, very public, word now.

My opinion?

I think, MidAtlantic will happen -- its just a matter of time, and a successful emergence from bankruptcy.

I suspect that the wholly-owneds will ultimately be merged into MidAtlantic -- not much point in keeping them seperate other than the obvious management whipsaw tactic. With the unrestricted flowthrough for participating wholly-owneds it only makes sense to create a single seniority list.

As of today the participating carriers are:

But according to the Mesa hotline, Orenstein wants to enter into Jets4Jobs negotiations with his pilot group. I think we can all agree that if those negotiations are successful, the wholly-owneds may be in a lot of trouble.

Right now the other affiliate carriers are at a brick wall for additional RJ growth at US Airways. Nothing more than the 70 they currently operate can be used -- so its up to Mesa at this point. They're at a crossroads. Its either the beginning of the end of the contract carriers at US Airways... or the beginning of the end of the wholly-owneds.

Kinda sounds like the plot for the next Star Wars Saga doesnt it?

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