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Mexican Regs

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I have flown the big stuff into the international airports. Everything is quite straightforward there. I have also flown single pilot air ambulance turboprops into many small airports, some dirt strips and some military fields.

Occasionally someone would spring a surprise "fee" on me. I learned to tell them that the money wasn't mine but was my bosses money. I had to give it all back to him or give him a receipt for any money I spent. If the fee request was legitimate, the person asking would get out a form or some paper, throw it into a manual typewriter, type it and sign it. If the fee wasn't legit he would wave me off with a "never mind."
satpak77 said:
again, what airports has he (and you) been into?

what are the "federale only" airports in Mexico?

how are you defining "federale?"

you need to stop watching TV so much

Wow, sorry, relax man,
I never said I've flown south of the boarder, I've just heard alot of war stories from pilots who have, and only advice I was given was to fly airplanes with small tail numbers or a little dirt/mud can have the same effect.
fatdumbandhappy said:
Wow, sorry, relax man,
I never said I've flown south of the boarder, I've just heard alot of war stories from pilots who have, and only advice I was given was to fly airplanes with small tail numbers or a little dirt/mud can have the same effect.

so you don't know what you are talking about then

its border not boarder by the way

when you get a few years experience flying turbine equipment south of the border, feel free to post "advice"
ok lets see.....hmmm im a training captain for a sizeable charter department running down to mexico at least once or twice a week, for over a year myself, company for 20 years. Examples.....mexicali, san felipe, la paz, loreto, cabo, los mochis, el fuerte, ensenada, mexico city, alcapulco......need me to go on? in the last month, been down in mexico on overnights almost two weeks. planes run down there constantly. really curious where all your superior knowledge comes from....seeing as how you've obviously never gone to an airport without a handler (i.e. pegasus) and no tower. Federale means that the comandante de aeropuerto sits on a bucket in the middle of the airport with a shotgun around his shoulder, and his guards take up positions against planes that land with american tail numbers. (have photos of this if you'd like...) only when you get out, make friendly conversation, pay whatever landing fee they want to asses (and dont throw any year round landing permit bullshit at me, becuase guess what, they dont take it!) and offer them water, american beer, or sodas, that they get friendly. could you get away with just the landing fee and being stern, of course! but next time you go down there guess what, they know you're bringing beer and dont charge you a landing fee. If you want to test this theory go to El Fuerte, about 50 miles to the east of los mochis. have a nice day

edited because i was being a jerk, even if i didnt agree with a sentence or two.
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You pax drivers never get to see the "nicer" parts of Mexico, in the Lear I have been to the following places one to many times: MMIO (Saltio), MMCU (Chiuachua), MMMY (Monterey), MMGL (Guadlajara), MMTO (Toluca), MMAS, (Auga Caleintese), MMHO (Hermisilio), MMMX (Mexico City), MMLO (Leon), MMCS (Juarez), MMGM (Guaymas) and about six others. It isn't always nice and pretty, especailly when your broker doesn't show up. Of course this is flying in and out late at night on demand freight, Later Dudes!

I forgot, congrats b350capt for clarifying the training capt qualification and listing your seat with your name. I feel very humble to able to type and post in your presence, forgive me sire
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B350 Capt

good job for all the hot info, yeah I been to Mochis, Culiacan, and Maz

in addition to all over Mexico, I have been to Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Panama, Cuba, Nicaragua, Honduras, and other such places.

Never had to pay a bribe to anyone carrying a gun anywhere, ever. Some Coca-Cola and some Playboys always helped tho

next time I fly into Bogota I will PM you for your outstanding advice
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frieght dawg - no attitude needed, the post wasnt in respones to you. satpak is assuming that just beacuse he has had different experiences that all others are only watching movies or are inexperienced bafoons which clearly shows a lack of maturity and respect for other airmen. of course a student pilot doesnt know everthing, but doesnt mean it should be grounds to degrade his contribution, whether right or wrong. and thats great that sat's been all over down south, so have many others. and i never said you HAD to bribe them, i said it makes it easier, which it DOES. so my question is, whats the difference between beers and smokes, and coke and playboys? seems like the same thing to me. I did mention sodas, which last time i checked Coca-cola fell into that category. and i wouldnt be of any help in bogota, never been there. mexico however i do know...and lets see, maz, culiacan, and mochis are all towered airports and serviced by major handling companies....note i mentioned places that had no tower and were only attended by federal and or state police. obviously theres going to be a difference. but anyway, why are we having a pissing match about it anyway, the poor guy who asked the question is probably either long moved on or is so freaked out that he'll never go there anyway, lol! cheers gents.....thanks for the joust! p.s. dawg, i'll be sure to pass along your sentiments to all the others on the board who happen to mention seat position.....
OK, ya got out of it. Handlers are important in on demand non resort locations, it can be very uneasy at times. I have thought a few times we were gonna throw down with the locals, damn federales just turned their backs.
lol, yeah i know what you mean dawg...managed never to get into any real trouble with them, that was my only point to warn the guy who started this post to expect some tension if he went to a rural airport, and how far simple things like beer, soda, etc can go. i personally hate trying to mess around down there without a handler...do-able of course, but so much easier when you get a friendly hello senors, paperwork looks good, how much turbosina do you need, heres your paperwork and flight plan, bye! lol

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