You know, I wouldnt even let ben franklin, get to you. There is one in every crowd. Its pretty funny. I was flying with a guy last week that had the pay scales for all of the regionals. And to my shock ( not ) mesa wasnt the lowest out there. The thing is, is that, people dont like to see there jobs in danger. Many dis-like southwest, For the same reason people dis-like Mesa. It just so happens, that mesa makes a couple bucks less than some of the other compaines. Its pretty funny everyone says oh look at comair. Well it was a pre 9-11 contract. And they had big daddy delta with the deep pockets to help them get that nice pay raise. Well that could all change soon anyway. Mesa was post 9-11, with 2 sinking ships, US, AND HP. Yes I know we dont make the most, but we diffently dont make the least. Noone likes us because we cause disruption, just like southwest does. I just work the company, I dont make the decsions, So why dont you do us all a big favor and get the hell off all of our backs.