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Mesa pilot agreement

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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2003
Mesa pilots sign letter of cooperation with french government.

Both side will surrender at the first sign of trouble or struggle
This is getting old. If you guys would take the time to calm down for one minute and actually read an INFORMED post about the whole Mesa negotiations then you may not have such a knee jerk reaction to all this. Mesa was in negotiations for over a year and they brought back CCair, incorporated all the Freedom flying and kept their own jobs. I know it's not a good contract but it IS an improvement on the previous one. You should concentrate all this energy you spend on bashing Mesa and turn it into protecting your own contract. If anyone signs a concessionary deal in the next 6 months are you going to jump all over them too for not looking out for you? What about Hawaiian that just signed on for concessions? Try acting a little more professional, you can disagree all you want but stupid immature posts like that are what make managements foam at the mouth when negotiations come around. How many of you spent the same amount of time to offer help to the CCair guys/gals when we held strong and didn't cave into MESA mgmnt? I know I posted quite a bit when we were all going down in flames. Did I get an offer from someone to walk my resume in? Sure kind words and a pat on the back helped but it only goes so far when you are unemployed for a year. My whole point here is that an intelligent debate over issues you don't agree with is fine, but fingerpointing and plain out bashing are unacceptable.

Ive been reading your posts, and it seem's that you need to get a clue as to whats going on. "if you get a mesa guy in the jumpseat you can educate the idiot" Educate yourself, than maybe you'd realize you dont know what your saying. Your "whatever" reply on another topic proves this. Did anyone at mesa do anything to personally attack you? Just curious, cause you sure seem to talk a lot of crap. As ive said before, i personally voted against this contract for several reasons, but oh well, i have to live with it, but i know the facts, and i dont think our guys are "idiots", and they didnt sign it to screw anyone! One thing i always love is pilots attacking other pilots, we have to deal with our situation, and you have to deal with yours. Would i love to make comair pay, you better believe it!! Do we fly under delta?? Are we a wholly own? How many contracts have we had? Do you have an alter-ego under the same company? How long have you been with your company?

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