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Mesa or Freedom take your pick

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Sep 19, 2002
WTF is going on here? Would you rather have freedom airlines in the sky? To these few of you ranting and raving about Mesa's new contract I am not even going to try and confuse you with the facts. We fought hard and well to stop freedom airlines and now we get spit in the face by you guys? Give me a break. We introduced industry leading scope to the airlines and stopped cold the biggest threat to all airline pilots jobs. This is the thanks we get? I now know how the vets returning from Vietnam felt. You going to piss on the soldiers coming back from Iraq too? I hope and pray none of you ever face the threat of a work action at your airline. It really sucks thinking about going back to a real job.

We fought, we might not have won an overwhelming victory but win nonetheless we did. Did the RJDC come to our rescue? Did the RJDC set up a strike center for us or informational picketing? Was the RJDC going to pay me to walk a picket line? NO ALPA did. ALPA got me this deal and it may not be the best. Maybe in 4.5 years if I have the misfortune to still be at Mesa I will be in the NC and then you can blame me. For now back off me and my co-workers. We stopped freedom airlines. It was US not you. We did it and for that I am **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** proud. I will tell my grandkids about it. Unlike the Freedom scum and RJDC politicians we actually did something. We fought a clear and present danger to everybody and we won. Give war a chance. ALPA may not be perfect but they stood behind us. They got my vote.

If Orenstien violates the signed scope he will be sued out of existence. He will never try another alter ego again his attorneys wont allow it. Everybody chill the fight is over. Go back to your families. You are all on the computer too much worrying about what OTHER PEOPLE are doing. Go worry about your own life.
And whos going to sue him, not your group. Tell ya what from now on every time I see a Mesa crew I'm going to yell BOO just to see how high you guys jump. That way instead of the rest of us getting decent contracts at least we'll get some amusment.

You think this is just us worrying about ourselves. What you dont understand is when you agree to work for slave wages and UNSAFE hours you cheapen the whole profession. Then all the other managers come to us and say, "why should you get paid xx$ when Mesa can do it for XX$."

Get the point. And oh ya, good luck on your next contract. After JO spanked you guys this bad he knows how easily you guys will fold. (insert french army joke here). God he threw you some bait and your neg com tripped over their own dongs falling for it.
If Orenstien violates the signed scope he will be sued out of existence.

ROTFLMAO....that was a good one. Keep 'em coming. Your scope is only as strong as your pilot group. You've already shown how strong your pilot group is.
got_jumpseat? said:
WTF is going on here? Would you rather have freedom airlines in the sky? "

Freedom is flying. It's called MESA..

We introduced industry leading scope to the airlines and stopped cold the biggest threat to all airline pilots jobs."

Industry-leading scope? How do you figure. You're contract is now the biggest threat to our jobs.

ALPA negotiated AmWest's TA but the pilots there showed some backbone and voted it down.

You will never occupy my jumpseat. Neither will any other Mesa pilot. You might as well be freedom air in that respect.
Someone wanna take a shot at how you guys taking an airline job with a 1st year salary of 18K isn't cheapening the profession? And if your MEC is as strong and your pilot group is united as you say it is, why should it matter what kind of crappy contract another pilot group accepts? After all, all you have to do is vote no and threaten to shut down your airline.

I asked the same questions on another thread but it's either being ignored or no one can come up with a good answer.
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Re: Re: Mesa or Freedom take your pick

DarnNearaJet said:
got_jumpseat? said:
WTF is going on here? Would you rather have freedom airlines in the sky? "

Freedom is flying. It's called MESA..

We introduced industry leading scope to the airlines and stopped cold the biggest threat to all airline pilots jobs."

Industry-leading scope? How do you figure. You're contract is now the biggest threat to our jobs.

ALPA negotiated AmWest's TA but the pilots there showed some backbone and voted it down.

AWA had no alter-ego airline that was going to replace them. AWA had no firm commitment from management to shut down mesa and shift the assets to Midatlantic and Freedom. (remember Westair, Desert Sun, Crowen, aspen??) Also, we got CCAIR pilots back to work.
PLUS AWA pilots are paid about 50% of industry average. MESA pilots make about 85-90% of industry average. This was not a concessionary agreement. COMAIR and AirWis scored contracts right at the zenith of a good economy. We are trying to get a deal in the worst environment EVER!!

Take a 5-year MESA pilot, now a captain on the CRJ, making 60.00 per hour. What does a 5-year employee make at Eagle, or Piedmont, or PSA???
PLUS AWA pilots are paid about 50% of industry average. MESA pilots make about 85-90% of industry average. This was not a concessionary agreement. COMAIR and AirWis scored contracts right at the zenith of a good economy. We are trying to get a deal in the worst environment EVER!!

This really has nothing to do with AWA. They are an airline that has been through bankruptcy and has been struggling for many, many years just to stay out of it. When has Mesa filled for bankruptcy? Is Mesa struggling with the current economy? Last time I checked they were adding bigger and better planes to their fleet. You guys just signed a deal that puts you 10-15% below industry standard pay scales and light years behind industry standard work rules and retirement. You accepted something you knew would hurt the industry and you didn't even put up a fight. Voted in on the first offer by a wide majority. Pretty sad. You can try to justify it all you want but you just showed everyone what you are made of.

Take a 5-year MESA pilot, now a captain on the CRJ, making 60.00 per hour. What does a 5-year employee make at Eagle, or Piedmont, or PSA???

And thanks to you guys they won't make any more for a long, long time.
Jet driven wrote:

"AWA had no alter-ego airline that was going to replace them. "

I think more than a few AWA pilots feel that Mesa is that alter-ego airline, replacing them one flight at a time.

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