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Mesa is getting 50 more RJs

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big dog1

Well-known member
Oct 28, 2002
US Airways to expand their regional jet agreement by adding 20 50-seat regional jets to the existing fleet of 32 regional jet aircraft. The 20 additional regional jets are scheduled to be integrated into the US Airways Express network in 2003, subject to compliance with the 'jets-for-jobs' provisions of the US Airways pilot contract. The aircraft are expected to be provided from a combination of internal and external sources. The agreement, including the original 32 regional jets under contract, was ratified by the United States Bankruptcy Court on November 8, 2002. Additionally, on November 22nd the Company signed a letter of intent with US Airways to provide an additional 50 regional jets. The aircraft, which will also be subject to 'jets-for-jobs,' would be delivered beginning in mid to late-2003.
Feh! I feel sorry for the poor F/Os at MESA. They get to sit there and watch some newhire (USAirways guy) make three times the money for the same job.

No thanks.
This is all contingent on the Mesa pilots' ratification of j4j. I was wondering if a Mesa guy or two would be willing to let the rest of us know where you all stand on that issue?

JO's comments

Go on strike. You will make the mainline pilots very happy. They will be
flying "your" airplanes after we sublease them to USAIRWAYS. But maybe
that's the plan anyway?
First we haven't agree on the j4j's...second of all we will need job security before we agree on anything and is going to be on our terms plus we need a new contract. Then the discussion ofj4j will happen......until then get your facts straigh before you all start rambling
Plagiarized with permission

J4J - Designed by "experts" -- meant for suckers!

... What we do affects you and what you do affects us. We are all in the same boat. We are not in the same boat with the mainline pilots when they pull deals like this.

This jets for jobs deal was designed by mainline pilots with the help of ALPA National. It protects the interests of mainline pilots at the expense of regional pilots. It was designed to benefit them. They did not care what happened to you before they came up with this idea and they don't care what happens to you now! They are protecting themselves and they are using you to do it.

Nobody asked any regional pilots what they thought about this before the fact. Allegheny pilots told them and were ignored. Same for Piedmont pilots. It was crammed down their throats anyway. With total disregard for how it might affect them. Now they are trying the same thing with other regionals. Everyone that had the chance has voted NO. Even non-union SKYW (Bravo for them.)

There are a few reasons why they have done this. Think about it. 1) They believe you are too stupid and inexperienced to figure out what they are really doing. 2) They believe you are so hungry for a few more "jets" that you will let them screw you to get the jets. 3) They believe they have the power to force you to do whatever they want no matter what you want. They didn't ask you, they're telling you --- vote yes, or else.

In short, they are playing you for suckers. Stupid commuter idiots that will let them take your seniority and force you to give up critical parts of your contract. They believe you are young enough, dumb enough and blind enough to let them get away with this.

The way some of you are talking, you would like to prove them right. Why? What's in it for YOU? The answer is NOTHING. They made sure of that. Do you think they are going to "like" you more if you do this? No, they will just laugh privately at how dumb you were. They pull the wool over your eyes, screw you and you say "thanks massa."

Who is going to buy these "new" airplanes? Will it be USAirways pilots? NO! Then why on earth should you have to let USAirways pilots fly ANY of them? Will USAirways pilots give you seniority on their list? NO. Will they get their Company to agree to pay you MORE than their senior FO's? NO. Will they give up 1/2 of their Captain slots so that YOU can be promoted? NO. Will they allow themselves to be furloughed, out of seniority, so that YOU can keep a job at their airline? NO. Do they consider you to be equals? NO. The truth is they consider you to be fools or they would never have made this ridiculous proposal. Do you really believe they would EVER think of proposing something like this to any other mainline pilot? He1l NO! Why? Because the laughter would last forever.

If your Company needs more jets, they will buy more jets. You do NOT have to agree to J4J and give up your seniority and change your contract to make that happen. If USAir Group really needs more regional jets and NO regional pilot is stupid enough to agree to J4J, what do you think they will do? They will get more jets, whether or not you agree to J4J. They will find a way, and you will get the jets anyway, without having to give up anything!

Is MESA going to agree to J4J? [It doesn't look like it.] If they hold on, they can get rid of Freedom and get what they need without agreeing to J4J. ALPA National and the U pilots are counting on the idea that they will agree to give their seniority to U pilots, who will give them absolutely NOTHING in return.

US Airways will NOT go out of business because regional pilots refuse to agree to the wants of USAirways pilots. That isn't going to happen. As soon as they find out that regional pilots will not agree to that garbage, the U pilots will have to come up with something else. You can bet that management will NOT allow the U pilots to sink the airline over Jets for Jobs. It's not going to happen.

If you agree to this Jets for Jobs ruse, you will do nothing more than prove beyond all doubt that regional pilots ARE stupid and will give up their own seniority and contracts, just to make mainline pilots happy. Once that happens, every major airline pilot group with furloughed pilots will try to do the same thing, i.e., take the regional jobs, that they despised before, and give them to mainline pilots. That's what they want to do, that's what they are trying to do and they don't care what happens to us as long as they get their way.

I'm sorry they are furloughed, I hope they get recalled, I'm willing to hire them but, I am NOT willing to give up my seniority or anything else in my contract in order to do that. It is not necessary and it is wrong. They would never do that for you and you have years of history to prove that. Before they got furloughed, those U pilots would not give any regional pilot the time of day. Now they want your seniority?

It gives you nothing that you can't get without it. The whole thing is designed for one purpose and one purpose only, the benefit of furloughed U pilots AT YOUR EXPENSE!

Get your Company to give them preferential hiring, for ALL the new jobs, but DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR SENIORITY! And for your own sake, don't agree to a system that allows your own pilots to be furloughed while they keep YOUR jobs. That's crazy.

Why do they have to be paid more than you are paid for the same job? Just give me one good reason. There is none! The only reason is because that's what they want and they believe you are dumb enough to give it to them. How did they get to be worth more than you for the same job at YOUR airline? Are they better than you? Why? If your Company wants to raise their pay, then let your Company raise your pay too.

Please remember, the U pilots and ALPA are both counting on your being dumb enough to agree to that mess. Don't prove them right! They forced it on the ALG/PDT/PSA guys because they could. They forced the creation of Mid Atlantic, to benefit only them. But guess what, Mid Atlantic has no airplanes and U apparently has no money to buy them. So now they want your Company to buy the airplanes and then give them your jobs and your seniority and your furlough rights, plus more pay than you. How generous of them! It's a pig in a poke, a used car with a bad motor. Don't buy it. THINK!
JO 's full of it. If thats the "plan" anyway, why even throw it out there for the Mesa guys.

IMO, It would be the BIGGEST mistake the Mesa pilots could ever make.

I say do it to screw J.O.

That's reason enough !
J4J is a screw job

Brother Fran...

You are right on target... brother. We are not a wholly owned. As a contract company (bottom basement I may say). we should negotiate with U. If main line comes on board... I will sue Mesa and U for discrimination. They get more pay for the same work and less time with the company I work for? Sounds like a screw job, Bro.

P.S. Hell of a time to negotiate for a better contract... Freedom and J4J will soon be scabs when we go on strike. **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED**'um
Brother Fran, I am a WO guy and everything you said is right on target!! I fought tooth and nail to stop this extorsion for all the reasons you pointed out.

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