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Mesa Air

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Active member
Jun 7, 2002
Any word on Mesa Air Group (interviewing, hiring, growth, etc.). Please don't mention Freedum. :)
I sent them a resume in July and yesterday out of the blue I got a email from Ms. Clark attached was a application.

The email stated that presently they were not hirring. However it seems a bit odd that six months after I sent them a resume I got the application. Maybe they are gearing up to start. There is a 50 dollar fee to proccess the application.

In some peoples opinions this is a big red flag. If a company charges 50 dollars to "proccess" an appliction then it may not be a company you want to work for. PSA and ACA did not require you pay them to look at your application.
?Furloughing at mesa . . .

I would save my $50 for now. At least until the union and management can agree on whether or not Jets for Jobs will be approved. Management has stated without J4J, they are overstaffed and may furlough. Also they say the turboprop operation is losing money and may see cuts. You can hear it straight from the CEO on the Yahoo forum. I would check it out for myself, but that is what I have read.

You said don't mention Freedom, but rumors are they are hiring. Sounds amazing, doesn't it, the same company hiring and furloughing. Of course, all this could change if a new contract and or J4J is approved.

Good luck!
Got the same thing in September

From what I understand she sends the apps out about once every 3 months or so to everyone that has sent in a resume. They use it to make a little HR cash. They say they do it so when they do get reay to hire, they will have the apps and everything done. The problem is they will have all the CCAIR guys to integrate most liekly and all the MAPD grads to get onboard before they go to the street to hire people.

I suspect that by aroung 10PM ish or so tonight either J4J will be signed or the furlough anouncements will be released at MESA. From what I have been reading US told them they had untill today to sign J4J or jump off a bridge and they will get someone else to do J4J.
Here is the answer from J.O in regards to Mesa/ and J4J. Looks like a furlough goes out tomorrow. -Bean

J.O wrote (3:30 Tuesday the 21st),
"I have just been informed that your negotiating commitee has refused to allow the pilots to vote on the J4J proposal. Too bad - it looks like ALPA has won and the opportunity will go to another (most likely Midatlantic) carrier. "
Sounds like quite a scam to me. Say she gets 500 people to send in their $50 (not too hard in todays market) then they just made themselves a cool $25,000. Do that 4 or 5 times a year and you're talking serious money. I can't imagine that this is just to cover costs. Looks more like job security for hr personnel.
I sent my application and 50 dollars in somewhere around november. I was simply thinking that in the small chance they do hire in the not too distant future, I'm not going to get a call unless I send it in. 50 dollars not so well spent. Oh well.
"Also they say the turboprop operation is losing money "

They have been saying that for the lat 5 years or more.
It's pretty funny since most of the TP flying now is EAS.

For an example, I know one city where they get $1,000,000
per year to run a min of 18 flights per week.
Do the math, that over $1000 per flight they get
even if they had 0 PAX all year.
Raytheon says the 1900 operating cost is approx $400/hr
so throw in some money for the crew and they make about $9000 per week with zero PAX!
Even if you double the operating cost, theystill make 100% profit on every ticket sold.

Now do you really think they are losing money on all those EAS routes? If you do, then why did they bid for more each year.
Mesa App....

I was sent the same application in the fall..........into the round file it went!

Keep the faith,

Mesa app

I worked at MAPD briefly nearly ten years ago and interviewed for an FO job at Mesa in 1990. I had friends and colleagues who were hired at Mesa whose only previous experience was instructing at ERAU, so I feel that I know a little about the place.

One of the things Mesa does best is make money. They charge their $50 app fee and have an ATP pay-for-interview program. Both disgust me as being big-time scams. I don't know much about the PACE program but I'll bet it's similar to the latter. Mesa probably clears big profits on the EAS routes. While I worked there I recall someone saying that the 1900s required only two paying pax per flight to make money.

Having said all that, it never hurts to apply. Your $50 app fee is tax-deductable as a business expense if you itemize on your income tax. Just the same, it might be money thrown down the rathole.

Just a thought.

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