Kohler Company is based out of the Sheboygan County Airport in WI. They have two Lear 45's, a GIV or GV one of the two, and I believe used to have a 604 or 601. Great equipment and great facilities. If you've ever been to Kohler, it's a nice little village. Don't know how flying for the boss is though.
I knew a guy who was the chief pilot at Kohler (I don't know if he is now). He said working for the boss (Mr. Kohler, I believe) was a pain.
THere was a previous thread on them that you may be able to find in a search. One or more of the posters said that relative to other corporate cos. they fly a lot, don't have as much time off, and aren't paid great.
I worked for Kohler Co. as an intern corp mechanic and they fly almost everyday...pretty busy with the LR45s. GIV mainly used for going overseas or the long trips of course.
Former chief of the maintenance dept. had words with the Chief of operations I think...not sure what happened, but yeah they fly a lot more than a usual corp. dept. does. I'm not sure on the pay, but a job is a job these days. Good luck!
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