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MBA: ERAU online or other?

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PPL and holding :(
Jan 4, 2004
Hello all-

Does anyone here have an MBA from ERAU? Searching the posts here, I am get the picture that getting it from a normal (not aviation specific) college would be better. As a typical traveling worker, I can't predict my schedule too far in advance, so I'm looking for an online coarse. I started looking here: http://www.webmbaonline.org/inst/ksu.phtml, but I don't see any of the schools listed on the (one) accredidation (sp?) site I went to.

Any thoughts on a good online MBA program?
i have a MAS from erau distance learning. they did not ofer an MBA when i started. it is fully acredited and a well respected program. BUT if you have lofty aspirations that would take you outside aviation then there are other more prestigious MBA programs. On the other hand if you intend to stay in aviation, erua is well respected. for me erau was sufficient. my company paid for it and it gave me something to do in hotels for a few years. :)
I do not know where you are living but try to do through one of the ERAU centers at a military base or better yet get uncle sugar to pay for some of it. ERAU is hella expensive compared to resident in-state tuition. The rate through the Military centers is IIRC reduced conpared to if you go through the main campus.

I agree with semerfido, if you stay in aviation ERAU has a good name. Otherwise there are better schools "names" to have on your MBA.

ERAU '92
I got my B.S. from ERAU at NAS Oceana. I currently live near Robins AFB, but they don't offer any ERAU MBA coarses. I'll have to do it online.
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That's odd. I had to go to the Daytona Beach area of the site, then to MBA, then click on the little "now offered online" tab. I can't find it any other way. Like where a link should be.

Do I have my first customer :D

I could have sworn I saw ERAU on that list before. I'm still learning, but I think there are three accredidations a business school can get. I'll look into it further. Thank you for pointing that out.
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I only remember one accreditation that really mattered in reference to Business School but my information could be dated.

In the long run, if you are going to stay within the aviation/military/airline world, where you received your graduate degree may not matter. If you are going to continue your education to Law, PhD, ...where you went to graduate school will matter.

Either way - the very best of luck to you.



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