Occidental Petroleum has a BBJ based at KVNY. I used to fly with one of the pilots. Good luck getting on there. The guy I knew was "junior" and he'd been there 15+yrs(?). I've also flown some of the late Dr. Hammer's family (very nice folks). I talked to them about OP's flight dept. Sounds about as top notch as you can get.
Amgen has a GIV based at KCMA. You might try calling Sun Air (800-278-6247). I think that's where they park now. I've been out of touch with my buddy at Amgen for awhile so my info isn't up to date. Seems like a good gig.
Thanks for the help.I figured that OP was hard to get into.You would have to have a very good contact with them and be there at the right time.Does anybody else have any info on Pt. 91 flight departments in Socal.What about Ont and San area.And from a search I saw Watson has a Falcon does anybody have any info?Thanks
Also can someone explain Disney's operation.I heard that Roy has a BBJ and GEX under Shamrock and Disney Corp has there operation under Earthstar is this correct.
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