Depend on where you stay. We used to stay right downtown smack in the middle of bars and food ect., it wasn't BOS but a good enough time for a layover. Now we stay at a fairfield thats surrounded by car dealerships in the middle of nowhere
If you do rent a car also consider Glouster Mass or Portsmith, NH.
have fun. If you are downtown I'd save the rental and hang out, there's a great italian place in the waterfront I don't recall the name but ask around. Bars on the main drag were fine and there is a large porno shop in a back alley where I was once asked to accompany an FA as she wanted to purchace herself a "marriage aide", but she wasn't married.
Excellent!!! The last thing I think we want to do is sit in a car for an hour in the same position we sit in the plane! downtown will do nicely...thanks for the tip on the italian joint.
If you will be hitting the city, the North End has about 50 or so italian restaurants to choose from. Yes, 50! There are other respectable establishments near Quincy Market. My favorite in that area would be The Union Oyester House. It looks like crap but it is over 200 years old. Pretty good seafood there.
For bars, if you're looking for something that could turn into porn, you may want to try Aqua which is off of Broad Street behind Quincy Market heading toward the financial district. There is also The Rack, a combo pool joint/pick up joint right next to Quincy Market. Otherwise there are so many places to choose from in that area it is difficult to pick one out.
The North End is within walking distance of all of the other places I mentioned.
For a quick sight-seeing, the U.S.S. Constitution in Charlestown is a nice visit. It is the oldest commission warship in the U.S. Fleet. Has a nice museum and a few WWII ships anchored there also for touring. Have fun.
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