"It is a tragedy with no comparison. In the history of aviation, no airline has gone through two tragedies of this magnitude in a span of four months," said Mohsin Aziz, an aviation analyst at Maybank.
"If the public is willing to keep them separate and say they really have little to do with each other, and any common link is not Malaysia Airlines, you can probably survive with the brand relatively intact," he said.
But that is a big if. Five years after Trans World Airlines flight 800 crashed into the ocean near New York in 1996 with the loss of 230 lives, the carrier filed for bankruptcy and was acquired by American Airlines. For an already troubled company, the disaster was the straw that broke the camel's back, said Dekker.
So things that happen to US legacies are simply our tuff luck? We deal with it. Which includes competing with indigenous LCC and world airlines that are SOE [state owned entities] and are bailed out wholly.
This crap is really getting old.
"It is a tragedy with no comparison. In the history of aviation, no airline has gone through two tragedies of this magnitude in a span of four months," said Mohsin Aziz, an aviation analyst at Maybank.
"If the public is willing to keep them separate and say they really have little to do with each other, and any common link is not Malaysia Airlines, you can probably survive with the brand relatively intact," he said.
But that is a big if. Five years after Trans World Airlines flight 800 crashed into the ocean near New York in 1996 with the loss of 230 lives, the carrier filed for bankruptcy and was acquired by American Airlines. For an already troubled company, the disaster was the straw that broke the camel's back, said Dekker.
So things that happen to US legacies are simply our tuff luck? We deal with it. Which includes competing with indigenous LCC and world airlines that are SOE [state owned entities] and are bailed out wholly.
This crap is really getting old.