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Lyon Aviation, KPSF

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Mar 16, 2006
Hey guys. I'm curious if anyone has any information on Lyon Aviation in Pittsfield, MA. Particularly interested in basic job details (pay, schedule etc..) and how to go about applying for a job there. I've done a search and also checked their website but haven't found the answers I was looking for. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
Hey guys. I'm curious if anyone has any information on Lyon Aviation in Pittsfield, MA. Particularly interested in basic job details (pay, schedule etc..) and how to go about applying for a job there. I've done a search and also checked their website but haven't found the answers I was looking for. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
First of all Pittsfield is the worst place in america to live, Nothing to do if you have any interest in doing something other than work. Everything Very expensive bring your pocket book. The company is ok, Very demanding High turn over they will work you to the bone. The schedule is non existant you are on call 7 days 24hrs. Airport sucks non precision loc between mountains and they like to shoot approaches below mins alot. I have had some friends who went there and could'nt wait to leave. Hope this helps
First of all Pittsfield is the worst place in america to live, Nothing to do if you have any interest in doing something other than work. Everything Very expensive bring your pocket book. The company is ok, Very demanding High turn over they will work you to the bone. The schedule is non existant you are on call 7 days 24hrs. Airport sucks non precision loc between mountains and they like to shoot approaches below mins alot. I have had some friends who went there and could'nt wait to leave. Hope this helps
I am not sure who is using my username on this site but what has been said in this post are not my words.
Lets set the record straight, Lyon Aviation is one of the most professional corporate organizations i have had the pleasure of working with. I flew for them except as flight instuctor only and never had the opportunity to fly their corporate aircraft. The owners of the company are very progressive, only wanting to turn the business into something their father dreamed of. The Lyons (pilots) are some of the best pilots i have ever had the pleasure of flying with.
It saddens me that there are people in the world so evil they would use another person's username to write cowardly statements. If you have a bone to pick with someone take it up with them directly instead of defacing innocent people's reputation.

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