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Looking For F/a Position Private Flying In Usa Pls Help!!

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L2 Door

New member
Nov 20, 2004
Hi, hoping that there is someone out there who can help me!!

I am enquiring to see if anyone has the inside track on applying as a Flight Attendant with Net Jets or any other private airline in the United States. I have recently resigned after 5 very happy yrs at an International Carrier in the Middle East. I had extensive experience in First Class and Business Class as well as a BA (HONS) degree and a wealth of experience in the catering industry.

The only thing I was concerned about on the application information was the fact that they require an American passport. I have a British passport but I will be marrying an American citizen and applying for a US passport after I am married.

I am really keen to carry on flying but I would like to try corporate/private flying for a change. If anyone has any info on Net Jets or any other corporate flying companies, all info would be greatly appreciated. By the way, I will be resident in San Diego

Thanks a million

L2 Door xx
I believe I can help you! Did you complete the I-95 (marriage visa) program?

Its's quite extensive and can take six months to finalize. I know for a fact that you don't need an American Passport. I flew the other day with a French National and I have a friend here who is Irish.
Change of plans

Hold it right there. I have a better idea. Marry a pilot with one of the legacy carriers and take out a large life insurance policy on him/her. Wait the mandatory 2 years required before suicide claims can be paid. By then the poor sap should be ready to kill themselves, and you collect a nice insurance payout. Retire young and wealthy.

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