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Long term, quality corporate management positions

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Well-known member
Feb 17, 2005
I have been flying Westwinds for a few years now, after getting out of cargo flying. All things considered, I would like to do corporate for the rest of my career, but I would like to get a decent position- stable company or owner that can afford the plane and is committed to corporate aviation, a mid size built after I reached legal drinking age, hopefully with some glass on the panel, and a decent pay package.

I have managed one aircraft in the past, and I do training at my current job. I would like to do something in management as well.

Unfortunately I'm only typed in the Westwind and everybody wants you to be typed in their plane. I'm not afraid of hard work and I have good references. How do I go about getting a job like this? I don't know anybody.
Unfortanately there is no such thing as a safe corporate flying job. Usually the flight department is the first thing to get downsized or terminated all together when things start going south for the company. And this is not even considering mergers, which can also spell doom for some flight departments.
long term and aviation in the same sentence, isn't that an oxymoron?
Experience in the type a department operates is certainly a plus, but our company places a premium on other qualities - experience, integrity, personality and education. If you have 5000 hours in a jet, you can learn to fly a different one. But if you can meet your needs from the pool of pilots already operating your equipment, you wouldn't be looking elsewhere...

Perhaps a company that is more concerned about the pilot/manager they are hiring than whether they will have to drop $30K on training is more focused on the "long term".

Maybe I am stating the obvious, but there is no easy answer. Network, make yourself marketable (CAM?), and keep your ears open.
Come work for wing in Houston. Our owners can afford airplanes.
I have been flying Westwinds for a few years now, after getting out of cargo flying. All things considered, I would like to do corporate for the rest of my career, but I would like to get a decent position- stable company or owner that can afford the plane and is committed to corporate aviation, a mid size built after I reached legal drinking age, hopefully with some glass on the panel, and a decent pay package.

I have managed one aircraft in the past, and I do training at my current job. I would like to do something in management as well.

Unfortunately I'm only typed in the Westwind and everybody wants you to be typed in their plane. I'm not afraid of hard work and I have good references. How do I go about getting a job like this? I don't know anybody.
You might be surprised that this is not as insurmountable as you think. Many companies, in fact the better ones by the very criteria you cite, are willing to hire a person and pay the costs associated with obtaining and maintaining qualification and currency in the aircraft. It is part of the cost of operating the airplane.

With the tightening market, this should become more and more common.

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