Last week i did a flight as a safety pilot for a new F/O. I was on the jump seat the whole day and i was wondering if and how i could log that flight time. My thought was that i would be allowed to log it as total time but maybe not as second in command. According to the regulations (JAA), i am a required flight crew memeber.
I do keep two logbooks, one FAA and one JAA, and i am pretty sure that im allowed to log it under the JAR's as total time but not co-pilot time. My question is if its allowed according to the FAR's?
There will be an insane amount of training in my company this winter (about 150-200 new F/O's, 50 command upgrades plus x amount of direct entry captains) so i will get to do plenty more of satefy piloting since all new pilots require a certain amount of sectors before they are realesed from their safety pilot.
Any ideas on if and how i could log the time?
I do keep two logbooks, one FAA and one JAA, and i am pretty sure that im allowed to log it under the JAR's as total time but not co-pilot time. My question is if its allowed according to the FAR's?
There will be an insane amount of training in my company this winter (about 150-200 new F/O's, 50 command upgrades plus x amount of direct entry captains) so i will get to do plenty more of satefy piloting since all new pilots require a certain amount of sectors before they are realesed from their safety pilot.
Any ideas on if and how i could log the time?