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Logging 135 time.

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Boris Badenov

Well-known member
Oct 4, 2004
Currently flying 135 IFR PIC. I fly to the same airports every day, usually in the same airplane. Need I log every flight seperately, or may I combine entries. For example "1/23-1/27/06 19.6 hours, etc etc"? Filling a logbook with identical entries is...irritating.

You only need to log 3 T.O's & Landings within the last 90 days, and 6 instrument approches and a holding pattern within the past 6 months. That is all you must log to document currency. Even at that, how would you log instrument time and approaches and landings when you lump it together?
But if you are keeping an accurate logbook for the purpose of additional ratings or employment, you just have to bend over, bite down, and make your entries, painfully, one-by-one.

Consider electronic logging.

Speaking of the "certificate" thing....

When I log xc time in my "paper book" it's all the ATP stuff (50nm) so I can use it for my next rating...but when I log it in logbook pro, it's a separate column "Airport to Airport" (for 135) and "XC" (for the Rating).

My question is...if I fly with a student to a place 52nm away, we do a touch and go and come back...yes I log it xc, but...how bad is it to be one entry?

I see it as one flight (no engine shut down, etc) so one entry.

When I go wth family or friends, and I stop, shut down, etc...I log it as one flight going, one flight coming.

Is this considered "proper" by those who care (interview boards/examiners)?

As annoying as it may be to log each days' flights, I highly recommend notating each daily flight. I know that you have layovers, so do it then. Or, pull out the logbook while on an easier leg in smooth air. To log a weeks' flights in one entry shows laziness and carelessness, especially to the chief pilot who is interviewing you at your next job.

When I was at FLX, I would simply put in the remarks section: FLX xxx, and any approaches I may have done.

Boris Badenov said:
Currently flying 135 IFR PIC. I fly to the same airports every day, usually in the same airplane. Need I log every flight seperately, or may I combine entries. For example "1/23-1/27/06 19.6 hours, etc etc"? Filling a logbook with identical entries is...irritating.

I log it by the flight, but I know many who lump it together. Whatever floats your boat. I would save the flight logs if I lumped it all together though.
nosehair said:
You only need to log 3 T.O's & Landings within the last 90 days, and 6 instrument approches and a holding pattern within the past 6 months. That is all you must log to document currency. Even at that, how would you log instrument time and approaches and landings when you lump it together?
But if you are keeping an accurate logbook for the purpose of additional ratings or employment, you just have to bend over, bite down, and make your entries, painfully, one-by-one.

Consider electronic logging.

You're part 135 and have a checkride every 6 months so you don't need to log anything except showing 3 landings every 90 days for carrying of passengers. If you don't fly passengers you don't even need to log that.
Yes, I phrased that poorly. My concern had less to do with the FAA than with future employers. Asked an answered. I'm currently uncrimping my hand from masslogging. Thanks.
I lump successive flights together that occur on the same day with the same crew in the same aircraft.

So, a flight from A - B - C - D in the same aircraft & crew on the same day gets a single entry. A subsequent flight from D-E on a different day, with a different other crewmember or in a different aircraft gets a new entry.

Sometimes if the purpose, conditions or type of flying is markedly different then I'll log them individually them instead of lumping them together.
Boris Badenov said:
I'm currently uncrimping my hand from masslogging.

........sorry, couldn't resist.

........but that'll be the perception of a potential employer.

To add to the mix...

I did exactly like somene else mentioned, combine flights made in the same aircraft on the same day. I just wrote real small in the "from" and "to" section something like "JQF-RDU-PGV-RWI-RDU-JQF". Same thing for multiple instrument approaches, I just wrote small.

Good Luck.


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