scubabri Junior Mint Joined Jan 8, 2003 Posts 550 Dec 21, 2003 #1 of 4 does anyone know where I can find a comprehensive list of regional operators and contact information? thanks b
does anyone know where I can find a comprehensive list of regional operators and contact information? thanks b
scubabri Junior Mint Joined Jan 8, 2003 Posts 550 Dec 21, 2003 #2 of 4 and before I get flamed.. I know about the one on this site, is it up to date and accurate? thanks b
180ToTheMarker 12 months of October Joined Feb 18, 2003 Posts 658 Dec 21, 2003 #3 of 4 Why does every controversial post begin with "this is not flame bait" or "no flaming please?" Who gives a sh*t if it is....quit being so **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** sensitive!!!
Why does every controversial post begin with "this is not flame bait" or "no flaming please?" Who gives a sh*t if it is....quit being so **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** sensitive!!!
V vclean Well-known member Joined Nov 26, 2001 Posts 474 Dec 21, 2003 #4 of 4 You can try the Regional Airline Association.