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linear air

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Don't know much about them. Seen them in TEB, think they are based out of BED. Fly Caravans and have Eclipse's on order.
mike1mc said:
Don't know much about them. Seen them in TEB, think they are based out of BED. Fly Caravans and have Eclipse's on order.

Saw their Van on the Jet ramp at TEB last week and a friend told me they're doing the VLJ thing soon. Pay royally stinks (30k to start) and schedule seems to stink as well. Five on two off. From someone I know that interviewed.
If they spend most nights at home, I would mind working 5 on and 2 off...it would be just like a regular job.
How soon are they expecting Eclipse Jets? Where will their bases be located beyond Bedford? I presume the 30K would be for the FO starting pay because the Eclipses will have two pilots each.
The useful load in the eclipse is only 900 lbs with full fuel... granted they won't be operated full all the time, but I doubt they are going to be able to fill the right seat with another pilot (who they are paying at least)...

VLJ- the next PFTventure...start your business soon to suck the life out of desperate people...
I see these guys all the time at ACK during the summer. I know they run shuttles in the grand caravan. From what i hear the pay is pretty good but thats about it.
if you are looking into linear also look into tradewind out of oxford ct. they do the same thing with a few caravans and pc 12s. www.tradewindaviation.com they also do the caribbean deal during the winter then the nantucket shuttle during the summer. Both companies always seem really busy.
I got a call....

q100 said:
Anyone know anything about them? Bases, pay, competitive mins, etc. Thanks.

I got a call from Linear Air for an interview 2 weeks ago. I sent my resume in like a year ago before I got my ATP: Multi & C-310 job... They where offering me an F/O position in the C-208. I said, "I have had offers to fly PIC in C-208"...

Sent him an updated resume, 2300tt, 550 Multi. Then his tune changed to, "Well you can be a PIC in the C-208..."

I finished the convo with, "if I am not in the left seat (PIC) and it doesn't have 2 engines, that preferably burn jet A... I am not interested."

The HR guys respones, "Well we are getting Eclipse 500... we could put you in consideration for that."

Thanks, now we are getting somewhere...
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