I have read sooo many posts about whether flying is worth it and posts about certain flight schools, but have never seen them ranked. Could people respond to this post by thinking you are going to do it and now all you have to do is pick an option. Please rank the schools in order on how you would do it. Could somebody please make a poll with several flight school options and see what school wins (i would but i don't know how to make a poll) I am leaving Wisconsin from my boring loan officer job of the last 2 years and trying a flight school down in Phoenix, just not sure which one. I visited Pan Am but wasn't totally convinced. So please rank the following....
A) ATP: Airline Transport Professionals- 90 day program for $34,995 getting you 190 hours of multi and all ratings (this is what I am leaning towards)
B) Local FBO: not sure which one but going full time until getting all rankings and then hopefully have them hire me as a flight instructor (this is my 2nd choice)
C) Pan Am
D) Westwind
E) ???? Write In's
Could people please respond by ranking the following in the order they would do it... I understand there are many options and everybody has to do what program best fits them, but what would YOU do in this situation... Moving to Phoenix and going to get all your ratings then goal of getting hired as flight instructor and hopefully in another 2 years as first officer.
Thanks everybody
A) ATP: Airline Transport Professionals- 90 day program for $34,995 getting you 190 hours of multi and all ratings (this is what I am leaning towards)
B) Local FBO: not sure which one but going full time until getting all rankings and then hopefully have them hire me as a flight instructor (this is my 2nd choice)
C) Pan Am
D) Westwind
E) ???? Write In's
Could people please respond by ranking the following in the order they would do it... I understand there are many options and everybody has to do what program best fits them, but what would YOU do in this situation... Moving to Phoenix and going to get all your ratings then goal of getting hired as flight instructor and hopefully in another 2 years as first officer.
Thanks everybody