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Let me get this straight....

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FarginDooshbahg said:
Maybe instead of "trying to get everything straight from you all", you could do a little research on your own. Citation Shares lists their domiciles on their website, and tells you that you must live within 2 hours drive time of one of these domiciles. I hear they are strict about this and you must actually move. No commuting, no crashpads. Spend about 3 minutes on their website and then you will not have "now idea where you can live".

I'm amazed anyone would have to point out the obvious, since you are evidently considering the fractionals. Do some homework instead of relying on "you all".

Thanks for the reply, I found it on the web site where their domiciles are located. Next time mabye you could just say. "Their domiciles are on their web site." Without the attitude. I do appreciate it though. That was helpful.

By the way next time you commute on a Mesaba Avro. Stop up and say a hello up front. Most Captains will gladly offer you a first class seat. We all have it rough in this industry and I do my best to make life a little better for ALL pilots.
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Simon Says said:
Thanks for the reply, I found it on the web site where their domiciles are located. Next time mabye you could just say. "Their domiciles are on their web site." Without the attitude. I do appreciate it though. That was helpful.

By the way next time you commute on a Mesaba Avro. Stop up and say a hello up front. Most Captains will gladly offer you a first class seat. We all have it rough in this industry and I do my best to make life a little better for ALL pilots.

Yeah right...

By the way... the next time you respond to a reply, lay off your own attitude, and veiled "stop by and say helllloooo...".:rolleyes:

First off I wouldn't be bragging about being an ReplacementJet Captain, and second, I wouldn't bring up "commuting" as if you are King Sh!t".
bizjet737 said:
make that six - just received authorization from rts to get two more.

Thanks, I haven't spoken with Steve G. in a while and hadn't heard about the new orders.

Angus--He was just making a friendly offer. I didn't see anything "veiled" there. It's a standard airline greeting--"stop by and say hello" since they can't get out of the seat and smooze the pax.

Must be a cultural thing.TC

P.S.--the only Avro/Bae 146 pilots I've ever met who had an "attitude" were the original Air Wisconsin guys. Most of them wouldn't even talk to us lowly F27 pukes. :rolleyes:
FL510GV said:
Can someone point me to a financial statement or the like that shows that NJI (and NJA, EJM etc) are loosing money? I keep seeing this on the thread and have not seen anything to substantiate it. NetJets (all of the divisions) are privately held (Berkshire Hathaway) and are not required to report any financials. I would love to see a report.


In Berkshire Hathaway's annual report Warren Buffett talks a little about it. The '04 report is not out yet but in the '03 report he said that NetJets had a net loss of 41 million (pretty sure) due to NetJets Europe bleeding red. Google "Berkshire Hathaway annual report".
Excellent Info

Thanks for the info... I forgot BH was a public company, so they do report annual results. Too bad they don't have much info on the NetJets. It would be very interesting to see the NJA, NJI, EJM, NJE etc broken out and the individual profits/losses. Needless to say, NetJets is "well financed" and won't be going away in the near future. The "Oracle of Omaha" tends to buy and hold.


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