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Oct 20, 2002
Hello all,

This is my first time here and I am glad to see the large user base.

I have a good friend whom is a line captain in the RJ w/ ACA. His roommate is on the interview board as well. I have all the minimums with ACA for those applicants w/ a 4 year aviation degree (1000hrs tt, 375multi).

1050hrs TT
700+hrs ME
600+hrs CFR135
600+hrs Turbine (SIC)

What are my chances of an interview this year? I fly for a company whos business is seasonal so things are about to become slow and therefore desperate (not to mention I want to move on anyway!!)


I would get your friend to write you a letter of recommendation and submit your resume ASAP! Not to discourage you but there are lots of furloughed guys trying to get interviews also, but you have to try. You might be able to get an interview, but I think all the classes for the rest of this year are full already.

Good Luck
Welcome to the webboard. Use caution about what you read here....there are some real dingalings and posers here who love to trample spirits, start trouble, and flat out LIE. Other than that, we're all glad to have you.
LORs etc.

Av8tor said:

I would get your friend to write you a letter of recommendation and submit your resume ASAP! Not to discourage you but there are lots of furloughed guys trying to get interviews also, but you have to try. You might be able to get an interview, but I think all the classes for the rest of this year are full already.

Good Luck

Thanks, no discouragement at all, I'd be very happy knowing I have a class date sometime next year (providing I get the interview, do well etc.). Question: Several of our line captains in our Dorniers have offered to write LORs for me, should I take them up on their offer? I am not certain how it "looks" have 3-5 LORs from line 3-5 line captains!!

Thanks for the help,
Dude, I would get all five people to send in your resume with a LOR it cant hurt!

Good luck
ACA chances

Unless you have contacts I dont, I think you'll have to get 1500 TT before they will call you, regardless of your good experience. I've had senior captains walk my stuff in, as well as talked to Shawn, but no dice
Just to give a few of you out there some hope, my room-mate flew with a CRJ training captain yesterday, who said the amount of instructors is being increased to handle the 400 odd pilots that are going to be hired next year.

I have no idea how valid this is, but he also said that we'll be getting one new CRJ every 10 days, starting March and 7 in November alone.
It's true. ACA will take delivery of one CRJ every ten days beginning in March. Now remember that the J41 is to be retired during the same time so some of the CRJ's will replace them.

My .02
ACA Growth

The hiring projections are mysterious in that no new growth announcements have been announced. ACA has around 1500 pilots now with only 131 a/c on the property. Increased utilization has been suggested, but I get the feeling somethin's a brewin' regarding a growth announcement.;)

Man I guess I threw ya for a bit of a loop. I should have said I have been offered LOR from the line captains in my company, flying the ugly duckling Do-228, which I can almost be certain 99% of you out there haven't heard or seen! You made your point very well, it certainly wouldn't hurt right?!


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