“This appears to target an individual trying to fly with mono vision”
Well, you’re probably right I’m not a professional in this field. But wouldn’t it be sort of like saying “this targets someone who had LASIC and is trying to fly with it?” I mean, a person either had a surgery or he/she didn’t? A person either has mono-vision or he/she doesn’t? How you correct for the mono-vision is a different story, but without corrective lenses you now DO have mono-vision, correct?
Therefore, the way it was explained to me a SODA for someone with your type of surgery would simply state that you have a mono-vision when uncorrected and that you correct it with a lens on one eye while flying. That’s all SODA would say. Again, that's what they told me, I am just curious more than anything, and I am really glad this is working for you.
“the FAA required a thorough evaluation and their form filled out after vision stabilization, I did this 30 days after surgery without any problems.”
Correct, the exam you went through is the post RK, PRK and LASIC evaluation; everyone that had one of those surgeries must complete it.
This is however NOT a mono-vision exam as they use mainly depth perception tests and not so much vision tests for this evaluation. (that’s what I was told yesterday by one of the eye specialists at leftseat.com)
Either way, the only thing that matters is that it is working for you and that you got great vision now!
Well, you’re probably right I’m not a professional in this field. But wouldn’t it be sort of like saying “this targets someone who had LASIC and is trying to fly with it?” I mean, a person either had a surgery or he/she didn’t? A person either has mono-vision or he/she doesn’t? How you correct for the mono-vision is a different story, but without corrective lenses you now DO have mono-vision, correct?
Therefore, the way it was explained to me a SODA for someone with your type of surgery would simply state that you have a mono-vision when uncorrected and that you correct it with a lens on one eye while flying. That’s all SODA would say. Again, that's what they told me, I am just curious more than anything, and I am really glad this is working for you.
“the FAA required a thorough evaluation and their form filled out after vision stabilization, I did this 30 days after surgery without any problems.”
Correct, the exam you went through is the post RK, PRK and LASIC evaluation; everyone that had one of those surgeries must complete it.
This is however NOT a mono-vision exam as they use mainly depth perception tests and not so much vision tests for this evaluation. (that’s what I was told yesterday by one of the eye specialists at leftseat.com)
Either way, the only thing that matters is that it is working for you and that you got great vision now!
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