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Landing below glideslope?

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Blackjet said:
Well, landing assured does not mean the runway can be seen. That is called runway in sight. I dont think any instructor has told you or anyone else that "landing assured means runway can be seen. Landing assured is when you can pull the power to idle or loose all propulsion and make the runway, not just the field. For example, when flying a single engine approach with an aircraft with 2 or more engines, the last increment of flaps is usually held until landing is assured. That would mean just about at the runway. That is where my confusion was as to his situation.
Just so we're on the same page, I assume you wouldn't consider the landing assured if you couldn't see the runway?

I guess accuracy in terminology is important ;)

MauleSkinner said:
Just so we're on the same page, I assume you wouldn't consider the landing assured if you couldn't see the runway?

I guess accuracy in terminology is important ;)

You bet, especially in aviation, the termonology is life. The way I understand, interpert, and operate is as follows:
Typically, landing assured always involves the runway being in sight, but the runway in sight does not involve landing assured.
I guess what I am saying is that if the runway is in sight, the landing is not assured, but if the landing is assured, the runway is in sight. Either way, the airplane is eventually going to land, but the key is getting close enough to the runway to land on.

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