Since Lake's are amphibious (sp?) airplanes, is it possible for someone to satisfy the requirement of complex aircraft in Lake for single engine commercial land?
I don't have a PTS handy at the moment. Isn't the difference between ASEL and ASES landings, be it on land or water and the associated taxiing? Could you do your land ops at a local airport and then head elsewhere for your water ops and do both the sea and land portions in the same ride?
my question was in terms of eliminating the need for another complex airplane. Say a person wants to get their commercial. They hop on PA28, do all the things necessary and then hop in to a Lake and use that airplane for complex and emergency gear ops that SEL PTS requires.
I was thinking that this could be possible, my only concern is Lake's category and class is single engine sea and because of that it won't be possible to do the SEL training..
You may fly a Lake Amphibian from a land airport without holding a seaplane rating. You may take a practical test for a certificate or rating in a lake amphibian without holding or testing for a seaplane rating, so long as you do not attempt to land on water.
The Lake Amphib (Buccaneer or Renegade) is an amphibian, not a seaplane, or a landplane. If flown from the land, a seaplane rating is not required. If flown from the water only, a land rating is not required.
If one desires to utilize the Lake for a practical test for the commercial certificate, the practical tests for both single engine land, and for single engine sea may be accomplished in the airplane, although technically as two separate checkrides.
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