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King Air/ Citation training

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Aug 24, 2002
In another post I asked you guys about SIC in a king air and got lots of good info. Now I am wondering about the training required, how about for a citation is there required training for the SIC. I am asking about the SIC on a citation SII in particualar. Thanks for the info
The citation requires an FAR 61.58 check - it is basically like a flight review but done in a jet - with you most likely in the left seat. One hour-ish of systems and checklist review followed by a flight - 3 T/o's and lndgs and I think one failed engine after takeoff. Also there is a basic written test covering the limitations (open book). All this has to be done by a pilot examiner in the type - and then you get a 61.58 endorsement for your log. Then the regular currency req's take effect for IFR currency and multi currency.

All this was done for me at Cessna - I dont know where (other than Flight Safety) you might go to get that...

Hope this helps!


Try 61.55, my copy of the regs show 61.58 as reserved.

.55 doesn't say anything about a written test or an engine failure after TO. Yes, you must do three tO and Lnds and engine out procedures and single engine amnuvering. Must be familiar with the aircraft, its systems, procedures, limitiations and performance. Also no requirement for an instructor.

But, and it is a big BUT, the insurance companies want to see FSI or Simuflite or Simcom. But some companies do have policies that permit ways around that.

The training will most likely be done with you in the right seat, as that is where you will sit during your normal duties. I have found no requirement for a pilot examiner to conduct the training. And have found no requirement for a 61.55 checkride.

61.55 SIC Qualifications
61.56 Flight Review
61.57 Recent flight experience (PIC)
61.58 PIC proficiency check

If the PIC has a Single Pilot Endorsement, no SIC is required for the CE500 (Citation) series.

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