Hey GP, how do you like the psuedo-bush pilot thing? I used to know somebody who flew 206s up there for a shady VFR 135 outfit, but it did sound like fun Gotta love the way downtown is built right next to the airports. Anyhow, if you know what it takes to get a job there these days, I would appreciate hearing about it.
Looking to be an "AK Bush Pilot" eh?
Juneau is a tough environment, not cold like Fairbanks, but lots of rain/low ceiling and vis. lots of icing and strong mountain winds in the winter.....study your picture of Juneau closely.....very few good forced landing areas (for singles).
Plenty of legit operators, also many shady ones too....do your home work, check safety records.
This site maybe of some help: http://www.flyalaska.com/
There are many flying jobs up there, but first ask yourself ....Why do I want to go there? Here is my two cents: flying in AK is more of a lifestyle choice than it is for career enhancement. I have many years of AK experience, in every part of the state, in several different flight environments.
Good luck!
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