Does anyone know of a timetable booklet for jumpseating? I remember seeing a pilot with one years ago and was wondering if anyone knew of a site or company. Besides the fact of like, just looking for something to carry with me for commuting.
I commuted my whole career and subscribed to Skyguide. When you've just been bumped and are scrambling for the next option that book is worth every penny!
Skyguide is great. Be sure when you call to tell them you are a pirate and you'll get a professional discount. I just renewed but forgot the rate. I think it's $59/yr. Worth every penny.
I have been using on my phone(not blackberry) since i began commuting a year and a half ago and have yet to pay for anything. A quick look to their website and all the info is free and up to date, even tells you if the plane is on time or not and what the new departure times are. Really nice site.
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