One of my roomates lives in Harrisburg PA and commutes with you all of the time......it is his way to work. Without fail your crews have been courteous and professional up until a couple of days ago when he tried to come to RIC for reserve.
He listed as a non-rev but as a courtesy he said hi to the crew. The Captain of the flight asked him where he worked......it is Trans States. When he heard the news he promptly told him to get the fu&* off his airplane. My roomate thought it was a joke and asked if he was......he was not. He was told that there is a note in the crewroom in MDT that states that Alleghany/Piedmont crews shall from now on REFUSE the jumpseat to all Mesa and TSA crews. He went back to the gate and the agent was stunned......since he was listed as a non-rev and some communication back and forth.....the captain let him on.
Couple of problems I have with that. One of them is not the PIC authority to refuse a seat to ANY passenger.......it is his right. But I shiver at the fact that crews would actually take it out on one another when in a way.......neither has any control (or very little) over what mgt sets as rates for routes and such. We are ALL trying to feed our families at a job that we love.
Another is just common-courtesy......bad form in this situation. There must have been a better way of doing this...if it was right to do in the first place. I guess maybe reciprocal agreements should be written for each crew?......come on give me a break!!
I have never even HEARD of such a thing coming from an alleghany crew.......not even close....so I hope it is not the norm........or that letter is not reality.
Trans States is not the enemy here.......Mama U MGT was the one that could not steer the ship right for decades.
And lump us together with Mesa?........Different animal here. Most Mesa crews that I have been in contact with have never done such things to fellow pilots that it seems that you have done.
Is it the fact that we as regional pilots are fighting over the same small piece of pie.....or the fact that most pilots at regionals now never expected to stay as long as we have just cause...I remember when 2-3 years and out to the majors?
Not to worry though.....the judge will dictate your next contract.......sorry for the cheap shot.......
Regardless.......I wish you all the best.be safe.....and let's keep things on the up and up eh?
He listed as a non-rev but as a courtesy he said hi to the crew. The Captain of the flight asked him where he worked......it is Trans States. When he heard the news he promptly told him to get the fu&* off his airplane. My roomate thought it was a joke and asked if he was......he was not. He was told that there is a note in the crewroom in MDT that states that Alleghany/Piedmont crews shall from now on REFUSE the jumpseat to all Mesa and TSA crews. He went back to the gate and the agent was stunned......since he was listed as a non-rev and some communication back and forth.....the captain let him on.
Couple of problems I have with that. One of them is not the PIC authority to refuse a seat to ANY passenger.......it is his right. But I shiver at the fact that crews would actually take it out on one another when in a way.......neither has any control (or very little) over what mgt sets as rates for routes and such. We are ALL trying to feed our families at a job that we love.
Another is just common-courtesy......bad form in this situation. There must have been a better way of doing this...if it was right to do in the first place. I guess maybe reciprocal agreements should be written for each crew?......come on give me a break!!
I have never even HEARD of such a thing coming from an alleghany crew.......not even close....so I hope it is not the norm........or that letter is not reality.
Trans States is not the enemy here.......Mama U MGT was the one that could not steer the ship right for decades.
And lump us together with Mesa?........Different animal here. Most Mesa crews that I have been in contact with have never done such things to fellow pilots that it seems that you have done.
Is it the fact that we as regional pilots are fighting over the same small piece of pie.....or the fact that most pilots at regionals now never expected to stay as long as we have just cause...I remember when 2-3 years and out to the majors?
Not to worry though.....the judge will dictate your next contract.......sorry for the cheap shot.......
Regardless.......I wish you all the best.be safe.....and let's keep things on the up and up eh?