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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2002
The pilots are getting screwed as many managements take advantage of us in some tough times. How do they sleep at night? Just as a shakespaerean plays HERO has a tragic flaw so does a pilot. They display their flaw on this website day in and day out. Our flaw is we love to fly. Management knows it but many pilots (usually the younger or lowtime) don't care for themselves and choose to be stupid and use....... What do we do if we stand and lose our jobs?
What lil' whiners!!! Why don't you think for yourself and do something for a change rather than you letting management determine how well you can feed yourselves. There are other jobs out there that pay better like the ramp agents, and customer service agents who make more money than you and certainly will continue to do so for a long, long time if you keep this up. Why don't they take more pay cuts like pilots continue to do? THEY DON'T HAVE TO, THEY DON"T LOVE TO FLY, LIKE YOU DO!!!! Management knows this......Shocked are you?
I decided to go back to Flight instructing. This is one option if you love to fly. $21-$30 an hour, I average 37 hours a week...You do the math.. For now it'll serve a purpose. If you don't love to fly....certainly you are not doing it for the money?! So why wouldn't you stand up and fight.
Most of us have a college degree and flight training let's say that the avg. pilot has $35,000 in debt for the above mentioned. You will never be debt free going backwards in wages. We deserve a better wage ask PAX's they believe we are underpaid. Handle your business. We should be able to get along, but we try and blame others for our own decisions. Choices have consequences make the right choice. Be responsible rather than creating a scapegoat. I'm out!!!!!
Man, Hyper.....

You hit it right on the head! Unfortunately, This will NEVER change! It's so great that after almost 7 years in this industry, I am making less that 19,000 per year, with the "big dollars" nothing but a dream that will never happen now. We are our own worst enemies, and always will be.
Good post BUT

I took you this long to figure this out? This has been going on since the Wright Bro's sold thier first plane.
I don't understand those of you that complain about the regional's pilot lifestyle. How can you guys make so little. I have been at ASA for 2.5 years and am a CRJ-700 FO. I do what our company calls "naps", otherwise known as coninous duty overnights. I fly 3 nights a week and make 40K doing it. It is all about managing your cash!!! I don't see how you could be in the business for 7 years and be making 19K???

Where else can you work 3 days a week, spend all day at home, and make 40K? Actually, I have been able to buy another house and get into the rental property business because of my spare time. This job is like a hobby now. Instead of renting a Cessna 152, I just go fly an RJ (and get paid for it) 6 legs a week!!!

Yes, I want to go to SWA!!!! But it is nice to know that if they turn me down that I will be able to make just as much staying at ASA with a side business that diversifies my income!! We have all learned that aviation can not be relied on to take oneself into retirement.

Good luck....

Great post. Personally, I'm still studying, training, etc. There is no way in the world that I would ever work for any company that'll pay me 19k for the first year, 21k for the second, 23k for the third, etc. etc. I do love to fly, but I am no masochist. I certainly hope that there are more no/low timers out there that are of the same make up. Strength in numbers, gentlemen, oh, and ladies, of course. I only want what is fair. We should all be strong enough to want the same, and on both sides. I may get hit for this, but just as I think it is wrong that some of you are making as little as you are, I also think it is a little out of whack that a few make as much as they do. Let's be honest, upwards of $250K for flying an airplane? Greed can be a two way street. Oh, and by the way, hyper, where the h e l l do you teach. The poor fools that teach at that the school that took advantage of me to the tune of $52/hr for the instructors, only pays them $12/hr.

Just because pilots have been screwed on pay issues since the dawn of aviation doesn't mean it's right. I support any of my fellow brethren when they have clear insight that is presented on this message board. These are unprecedented times and we must remained unified in our stance to protect our pay.

I intend to stand united with my fellow blueridgers to protect what little pay I make...if i get furloughed, so be it...I have an engineering degree. At least I didn't go out like a punk a$$ beoooootch....

SFR said:
I don't see how you could be in the business for 7 years and be making 19K???

I started flying in 1985 and paid my own way....that is how one could be in this business for 7 years+ and be making $19K. In 1994 I got my first flying job (other than flight instructing) and worked my way to the top to eventually be furloughed from a major airline. I just took a job with a regional that pays a guarantee of just over $17k/yr. Granted, this was my choice and the pay does stink, but I am trying to keep the big picture in mind with a 5-year plan (that continuously gets updated!!!).

So, flying for 18 years, in the commercial (135/121) business for 9 years, and making less than $19k/yr.

It must be beer-thirty!



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