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Job prospects in '07...any inside info?

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Sep 7, 2005
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum, so please go easy on me if I'm posting in the wrong place. I know this business changes often...I've been flying since '99, and we've all seen a LOT of changes in that relatively short time. So call this a farsighted question: I was wondering how hiring prospects are looking in general for next year. I'm a CFI at ERAU right now in good old Daytona...the majority of instructors I was hired with have moved on, mostly to the regionals, but I'm staying to complete my MBA, and will be graduating in December. Call it an insurance plan.

It is a gamble...some regionals even came to our campus and hired some of my friends on the spot, and some of them had half my flight time...I haven't seen hiring like this since '99. I'm mainly curious what is happening at the majors, since whatever they do affects mostly everybody else. As actively as the regionals have been hiring, I'm thinking they may fill up by the end of the year. I enjoy talking with you all who are out there in the industry, and from everyone I've spoken to, I think I would prefer freight or corporate, but I'm married now so that changes my perspective a bit...could still go either way depending on the individual specifics of each company. Just curious at this point, as I won't be actively looking for another 6 months or so, but any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

-Brock Sargeant
sargeanb said:
Hello everyone,

I'm new to this forum, so please go easy on me if I'm posting in the wrong place. I know this business changes often...I've been flying since '99, and we've all seen a LOT of changes in that relatively short time. So call this a farsighted question: I was wondering how hiring prospects are looking in general for next year. I'm a CFI at ERAU right now in good old Daytona...the majority of instructors I was hired with have moved on, mostly to the regionals, but I'm staying to complete my MBA, and will be graduating in December. Call it an insurance plan.

It is a gamble...some regionals even came to our campus and hired some of my friends on the spot, and some of them had half my flight time...I haven't seen hiring like this since '99. I'm mainly curious what is happening at the majors, since whatever they do affects mostly everybody else. As actively as the regionals have been hiring, I'm thinking they may fill up by the end of the year. I enjoy talking with you all who are out there in the industry, and from everyone I've spoken to, I think I would prefer freight or corporate, but I'm married now so that changes my perspective a bit...could still go either way depending on the individual specifics of each company. Just curious at this point, as I won't be actively looking for another 6 months or so, but any info would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

-Brock Sargeant

Keep up the great attitude. An insurance plan is always a great idea and the MBA will always be there for you and your family.
Fish Alaska
I believe the regional hiring boom is because the regionals are losing their pilots not due to people moving on, but due to the pay and working conditions. The only people willing to step up are the CFI's dying to get into the industry knowing that wherever they go is a pay raise. But once at a regional for several months to a year you will realize what a crappy deal it really is. You are on the right track on staying where you are working on your back up. Once you are here you will know. Good luck
Smart job getting that MBA. Super smart. As for prospects in '07, who knows? This farkin industry changes with the wind, and today's bankrupt may be tomorrow's industry leader. The regionals really do suck a lot, and most folks realize that after only a few months there, and begin looking for other jobs. There are plenty of entry-level jobs to go around right now, but the good ones (larger airlines, good corporate jobs, fracs, etc.) are pretty hard to come by unless you know the right people. Right now there are a million and a half RJ captains out there looking for jobs, and another million and a half turboprop captains, so it's just 100% about who you know. RJ captains are a dime a dozen, and you can walk into any company anywhere, pull open the resume cabinet, and find a thousand resumes of 1000 hour turbine PIC RJ captains that hate their job and want out. What's the point of this?? NETWORK NETWORK NETWORK. Get to know as many people in the industry as you can, buy a lot of beers, and NETWORK. Even with the FO's. Those guys may be the only chance you have to get on somewhere like CAL, SWA, etc. Without internal recs right now, even with 10,000 hours of PIC turbine, you don't stand a chance, because there are just too many guys out there looking for jobs.

Finish up your insurance policy, get that first job, and NETWORK LIKE HELL. Get to know people that can help you. Get to know people that can't help you, because in the future, maybe they can. Or maybe they know someone who can.

Good luck!

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