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Island Air

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Two Feathers, no it's never a bad form to be persistent as long as you do it in a professional manner.

If you don't live here, I'd call and follow up with a phone call. When I was hired, that's how I did it. Every little thing I sent them, I'd call them to verify they received it: initial resume, a new resume and cover letter and my license/medical, my application, and even afterwards.

Persistence pays, my friend. I'm the living proof of that.

Hey freight dog,

I have a question and need your advice. I'm the one that had the interview back in May in ATL, and did the sim ride in the King Air profile.

Should I try to get another interview? They said I would be eligible for a retry in six months (Nov), or would I just be wasting my time.

To this day I don't know what the reason was for me not making the pool, it was either the COG test, or my minor mistakes in the SIM.

Anyways, I would still like to work there if given another chance.

By the way, I know that Phyliss Torres is no longer there, so who is the new HR rep.

Thanks in advance for your feedback.

By the way, you are the "Andy Neil" of Island Air.
if you are eligible for a retry then i would say go for it. who knows why you didnt get in the pool the last time, it doesnt mean you wont make it in this time.

who knows whats the deal with the cog test, it looks like one of those things you could pass one time and fail the next.

the new HR person is named Nikki. send in another app and good luck!

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