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Island Air poolies and class dates?

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Mar 19, 2002
Hey any poolies still out there besides myself? Anyone currently at IA know how many are in the pool? How about some news on the next class date.
I'm sure there are quite a few of us still waiting. I've been swimming since Oct' of last year. How 'bout you?

...in the pool since the end of June; 1 year ago today actually. I have no idea how many are in the pool; Im guessing there's probably at least 15.
I'd occasionally shoot them a letter with an updated resume, your flight time, and a letter saying you are still waiting for employment with them. Just in case....

That's what I did when I was in the pool.
prob soon

the new list came out and there is or is gonna be 5 or more f/o vacancies...should be a class soon. I would let emm know youre still interested.

hows Aloha treatin the "Croatian Sensation"?
The "Croation Sensation"...I Like That

Stretch...You just earned your new nickname. How come you didn't let your classmates in on this one? Hahahaha!!!!! (That's laughter, not me yelling Hawaiian Airlines)

Happy 4th everyone.

....wish I could be there, at the beach today.

Thanks for the suggestions and info. I (we) really appreciate any info when it comes along. Thanks. I regularly update my resume and just sent 'em a fresh one last week.
<---- better?

MiniMeGotWings said:
Stretch...You just earned your new nickname. How come you didn't let your classmates in on this one? Hahahaha!!!!! (That's laughter, not me yelling Hawaiian Airlines)


Doh!!!! Sorry, I lost track of all the names I've been called ;)

Better? Croatian Sensation Stretch wouldn't fit.

:D :p :cool:
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