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Island Air pool

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Hugh Jorgan

Well-known member
Nov 25, 2001
Does anyone know how Island Air fills their classes from the pool? Specifically, is it first in, first out or some other smoke and mirrors type thing. Mahalo.
Hey Hugh....

Yeah, I'd also like to know.

Additionally, Im curious how many are currently in the pool besides Hugh Jorgan and myself. ANYONE OUT THERE THAT'S IN THE POOL RIGHT NOW PLEASE RESPOND. Maybe then we can all get some idea of how large it is.

Hopin' to get a class SSOOOOONNN......!


They write all the names on some paper and then throw them in a volcano. The ones that don't burn are put in the next class. :)

Seriously, they do not use first in first out (ask Jenga).
They pick who they want or need. My intell says it is usually based on experience level.
I interviewed in Aug, our group is still waiting for letters to find out who is in the pool. Currently they don't have a class scheduled for Oct.

You better be careful with the volcano jokes, Pele might be listening..... :)

Actually that was pretty funny, you made me laugh................. I... wonder...if thats how they...................no....

The procedure is actually part of their monthly sacrifice tp Pele. They are letting Pele decide which pilots are worthy of flying in the islands. I'm not worried because I have an inside connection that is writing my name on asbestos paper.
Poliahu has some sway in the decision making process too. I'm going to need her help to even get an interview. Just sent in the resume yesterday.

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