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Island Air Pool

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May 12, 2002
Any word/rumors on class dates at IA? Interviewed in late October and have been wading ever since.
...In the pool since end of June; am patiently "wading" for a class also.

I haven't heard anything officially from HR since I received my pool letter. The latest unofficial is that IA may have a class around the time when AQ has a new hire class(March?)due to IA pilots going to that AQ class. March would be great, as my legs are getting tired. :cool:

Any other poolies out there? Do you have any other info?
I've heard nothing. Even went by there a couple of weeks ago and got the tight lip. The surf, on the other hand, has been great, so I will continue to paddle around the pool. Aloha, HJ
I talked to HR last week, and the official word was "nothing yet". Everything is on hold for now, with no class on the horizon yet. I think Jenga is right about the IA class after the Aloha class.
I spoke to someone fairly new in HR last week, and was told the same as whereamI. I asked a flight instructor in Maui who is also in the pool, he seems to think April is the magic month and they will pull poolies based on multi time not interview date (just a rumor).

GrapeVine is getting sour,

No new rumors for last few weeks requarding IA or Aloha.
I did hear Aloha has an upgrade class scheduled in Feb.
Heard awhile back that they plan to alternate new-hire class with upgrade class. That would make it a new-hire class in March at Aloha. Seems likely since they are getting a few new planes.

I would bet IA is waiting to see how many interview and get offers from Aloha before they schedule a class.
Hey Hugh Jordon,

I tried to send you a PM. Your inbox is full.
You need to clean it out to get any messages.

.... clean it out now, or go to your room without supper!

Yeah, I tried to PM him also....man...what a slacker:D
I get 'um

Sorry 'bout that. Pretty dumb PM'ing folks asking questions with you box full. Okay, fire away! Aloha, HJ

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