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Is Air Wisconsin taking furloughees?

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Well-known member
Sep 12, 2002
I'm on furlough from Midwest Express... got 4400TT, 1200+ turbine PIC, typed in B737 and BE1900.

Anyone know if Air Wisconsin requries a new-hire/furloughee to resign from their other carrier? I thought I saw that somewhere, but I can't find it now. Thanks!
I just got shot down, 3 letters of rec., nothing to disqualify me (ie no failed check rides, interview went great, etc.). My time is like yours- all 121, 3500tt, 1300pic turb. 121, 500 md-80. Don't get it. Told em I'd give up recall rights with ch.11 airline I was at. Would have made a career there. I guess thet are looking for younger, less qualified people. I'll explain that to my kids when its mac. and cheese tonight...again.
It is my understanding from friends their that they will definately take furloughed pilots. They are requiring you to retire your number. Sorry to here the previous guy did not get the job. Your times seem to be right where they are hiring.
Willard: Sorry that happened to you. Who knows answers to any of life's questions!

av8br: Thanks for the info. I'll call some buddies of mine that work there and see if they can walk my resume in.
Sometimes there is no ryme or reason to the hiring process but a I can say this your age was in no way a factor. In my class two yrs ago they hired a guy who was 57yrs old. I am sorry to hear about you not getting on and I hope things turn out better for you elsewhere.


Don't feel bad, at least they called you for the interview. When I applied last summer I got the form letter stating that I didn't meet the competitive qualifications. I found that somewhat amusing, since SWA, DAL, FDX, and JB all thought I was qualified enough to interview.

Not sure what they're looking for, but it wasn't me! ;)


My guess is that they looked at your all military time and figured you would probably bail at the first opportunity when the majors resume hiring. Besides they also know that you are attractive to SWA, FedEx and JB all of which are hiring now. They probably figure that it isn't necessary to spend training dollars on you when they can take a corporate or charter guy and get at least a five year return on their investment. Unless you are the exception, you'll probably split within two years. I can't say as I blame them. Good luck.
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I just looked closer at your profile and I can see that you are swimming in the SWA pool. First of all, congrats on that. Well done. On the other hand if you had of been hired by AWAC last year you would be doing exactly what they feared you would do and that is leave for greener pastures. Their screening logic, if it is as I presume, appears to be sound. Again, good luck and congrats on SWA.

Thanks, I think you're probably right about them not wanting people who might leave soon. But no one can predict the future- when I applied to them I would have been happy to take any flying job. If it could've been at one of the better regionals where I would be happy if I ended up staying there for a while, so much the better! I was very lucky that things worked out with SWA, but many of my former military friends with similar flight times will be regional/fractional FO's for quite some time to come.

Anyway, AWAC sounds like a great place to work- good luck to everyone there!

FYI in my class we had one guy with a military background (T38 IP, C-130), and he was on line for like three months before Delta snatched him up. I think cave it right. The military guys always have a load of heavy or quality turbine time and they all seem to have friends at the majors to help them out. In fact, I have not met any pilots at Air Wisconsin who have military time with exception to rotor heads and WSO types.

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