If you fail to check the AI on a Frasca ride, you will miss the moment that the sim chooses to roll into an 80 degree bank, or a 30 degree nose down pitch! I had to pay much more attention to the AI than ever before to make it all come out ok.
First, the reason they had you teaching use of the AI so religiously is because that's the way you fly a jet. Pitch matters a whole lot more in a jet than it does in any propeller diven plane, although the faster T-props are fast enough to warrant more careful attention to the thing.
The reason this is so is because of the vertical velocity vector that is produced by each degree of pitch deviation from whatever will hold level flight (or whatever you're trying to hold). When you pitch up each degree of up pitch produces a vertical velocity equivalent (in knots) to the sine of the angle (1 degree) times the forward velocity (your airspeed).
That value changes dramatically as speed increases and it means that pitch errors begin to produce large climb and descent values at very high airspeeds. The bottom line is that pithc is a better determinant of what's about to happen on your VSI than any other instrument because of he scale of the vertical velocities that develop instantaneously when pitch is changed.
Second, It's also important to fly simulators this way because they base their output depictions on the instruments on what happens to pitch in the context of airspeed and power selected.
What we're talking about is the control-performance concept of instrument flying. Pitch + Power = Performance. It's a different thought process than primary and supporting. However, they work together. Bottom line: Use your attitude indicator more.
The frasca sim is very touchy, the first i went to take off i wound up on the wrong side of the run way, what a shock.
Then as time went on it got a little more easy to controll,also made shure that after my first session, that i got the same one over and over So i learned how to fly a HSI&RMI.
the school comair would try there best to switch me in to different but i would go talk to the person who made up the times.
Welcome to the world of sim whether its a frasca or a level D. When I went through sim in the 1900 and EMB-120, both were very sensitive compared to the actual airplane. When I first hopped in the EMB-120, it felt like a completely different airplane compared to the sim due to rudder sensitivity and the controls being **CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED****CENSORED** near impossible to move manually. Sims are great learning devices, and more than likely if you can fly the sim, you can fly the airplane.
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