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Interview lead time

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Just playin' possum
Mar 11, 2004
I'm curious how much time is generally given between the call for an interview and the actual interview? Interview to class date? Looking for United and Delta in particular.

I don't want to leave to go anywhere before I hit 1000-TPIC. I do want to time the submission of my application close so that I'd have my time by the classdate if my lottery number should happen to hit and I'd get invited for an interview (still a long shot I know). Just don't want to apply with 500-TPIC, get lucky and get an interview, get even luckier and have an offer, then have to decide between accepting and getting my 1000 hour insurance policy :)

Has anyone interviewed either place and gave them a 3-5 month availability notice? Is that ever even done?
I had 3 weeks between my email invite from Delta and the interview. After the interview, it takes about 2 weeks to get the medical/psych results. I had 1 month between my interview and the class date. One thing to think about when you are talking about delaying your class is seniority. Delta is hiring a bunch right now. If you put off you class for a few months, then you just lost a couple of hundred seniority numbers. Get on early when there is a hiring wave. You don't want to be at the bottom when the wave is over. I would think that it would look bad if you put off a class that long (except for military commitment). Just my opinion. Good luck.
One thing to think about when you are talking about delaying your class is seniority. Delta is hiring a bunch right now. If you put off you class for a few months, then you just lost a couple of hundred seniority numbers. Get on early when there is a hiring wave. You don't want to be at the bottom when the wave is over. I would think that it would look bad if you put off a class that long (except for military commitment). Just my opinion. Good luck.

That's the delima. I want to get a class date ASAP, but also want to time it so I can get 1000 TPIC before I leave. I know, I'll probably have 3K+ by the time I actually get an offer, but in the off chance I'd get lucky I don't want to be stuck in the situation of having to decide.

Thanks for sharing your timeline, anyone else?
bro, you may want to adjust your availibility date to reflect a time when you think you may have the 1000 TPIC, if that's your goal. I can't imagine a major allowing you to defer for 3-5 months; I do not believe any major, if you were to be hired, would play ball with that timeline, minus a military availibilty issue.
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